What would our daily life look like without the possibility to enjoy and find inspiration in a book, a play, a movie or music - or without the possibility to express ourselves in a creative, symbolic way? Who more than artists can lead us to feel and see things differently? Switzerland is convinced that culture matters, and allocates part of its development cooperation funds to the support of artistic production in partner countries.
To realize this support in North Macedonia, the Embassy of Switzerland is launching a new call for proposals to support innovative artistic production and strengthen organisations from the independent cultural scene in North Macedonia. Successful applicants will receive grants up to CHF 50’000 to implement their proposed project.
Eligibility criteria to apply for grants:
Not-for-profit organisation registered in North Macedonia, active in the fields of art/culture/creative industries/cultural tourism;
Adequate organisational structures, sound financial record, and references of projects completed or under implementation if applicable;
Planned project activities taking place mostly in North Macedonia;
Readiness to provide financial or in-kind contribution of at least 20% of the total budget of the project.
Applicants need to apply in two steps:
1st step: Pre-selection based on a concept paper.
By 13 September 2019, applicants need to submit a 2-page description of the proposed project, including description of goal, key activities, total budget estimate, and expected dates of start and end of the project. The Embassy will review the concept papers received and inform applicants whether they are pre-selected to submit a full proposal. The 2-page concept paper can be submitted in Macedonian, Albanian, or English.
2nd step: Final selection based on a detailed project proposal.
Based on a review of all concept papers received, the Embassy of Switzerland will pre-select applicants and request the submission within 3 weeks of detailed project proposals. The detailed proposals will need to be submitted in English. The Embassy of Switzerland will make its final selection based on the detailed project proposals.
As part of the 1st step of the application process, interested organisations are invited to send electronic copies of their 2-page concept paper until 13 September 2019 to skopje@eda.admin.ch with the subject ‘Application for cultural project grant’.