Tajikistan Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Project completed

Through the support of the project 30‘000 women and men will have sustained access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities in three rural districts of Tajikistan thereby contributing to their better health and wellbeing. The project further supports the development of local and national authorities’ capacities and strengthen the policy frameworks in order to enable a more effective, inclusive and sustainable delivery of safe drinking water and sanitation services to the population.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Health systems strengthening
Water sanitation
Medical services
Water supply
Infectious desease
Water sector policy
01.07.2018 - 30.06.2022
CHF  3’100’000

Tajikistan is a water-rich country; however access of people to safe drinking water and sanitation in rural areas is very limited. Only 43.4% of rural population have access to safe drinking water and 0.2% - to sewage system and good sanitary conditions. The lack of access to sanitation infrastructure and poor hygiene practices cause spread water-borne diseases.

Deteriorated and poorly maintained infrastructure, limited financial investments, insufficient technical and managerial capacities, weak institutions and inadequate policies are the main factors leading to insufficient service delivery in the safe drinking water and sanitation sub-sector.

Objectives Healthier population as a result of sustained access to safe drinking water and sanitation services and improved hygiene behaviour.
Target groups The target group will consist of 30’000 people benefiting from sustainable water governance and effective service delivery. From these 5’000 people will get new access to safe drinking water and 10’000 people to improved sanitation and hygiene practices. Government structures (district hukumats, jamoats, SUE KMK, Tojik Ob Dekhot) and local CBOs (Mahalla Committees, WUAs and Community Advisory Boards) will be strengthened by capacity development campaigns.
Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1: People benefit from innovative and sustainable water and sanitation services and improved hygiene practices

Outcome 2: Water governance bodies effectively manage drinking water supply and sanitation systems

Outcome 3: Conducive policy environment at national level allows for effective management of drinking water and sanitation systems in rural areas


Expected results:  

  • One new water system constructed (for 5’000 people) and seven existing maintained;

  • One faecal sludge management system including Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant and pit desludging service established for 1’500 households (at least 10’000 people, 50% women) and 3 hospitals;

  • One sustainable decentralized wastewater treatment facility for 3 hospitals constructed;

  • Market-based mechanism in place to source, promote and sell the range of sanitation products;

  • 200 improved private pit latrines procured and installed by the population in Rudaki district;

  • At least 7’000 children in seven schools and 100 medical staff in 7 health centres trained for better hygiene and sanitation practices;

  • The staff of 3 districts authorities completed capacity development training courses;

  • Operation of 7 water supply systems meets national & international service performance criteria;

  • Approval of new edition of Law on Drinking water, at least three policy recommendations on taxation policy and fully recoverable tariff facilitated;

  • Revised technical norms and standards for water and sanitation systems endorsed and implemented in rural areas.

Results from previous phases:  

  • More than 48’000 (50.1% women) people got access to safe drinking water in Rudaki, Muminobod and Kulob districts;

  • 14 water supply systems constructed and operated by community-based water management structures;

  • Access to sanitation improved in 8 schools  (6’500 schoolchildren and 536 school staff) and 6 health facilities (365 medical staff and at least 1’000 patients per month);

  • 3 Water Trust Funds (WTF) established in Rudaki, Muminabad and Kulob districts;

  • Laws and policy documents on ownership of water supply systems, taxation and water tariffs enacted;

Analysis of the national state of de-monopolization and of the private sector involvement in the sphere of drinking water supply and sanitation and review of sanitation policy and practice in Tajikistan conducted.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Swiss cooperation with Eastern Europe
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
Private sector
Foreign state institution
  • National State Institute North
  • Foreign private sector North

Other partners
Oxfam GB International
Coordination with other projects and actors The project will revitalize effective coordination and synergies with a wide range of stakeholders including government structures, local authorities, international organizations, UN agencies, INGOs, civil society and the private sector. The cooperation will be strengthened through such coordination and decision-making platforms as TajWSS network, NPD and IMCG. Specific focus will be on strengthening collaboration with other Swiss-funded WASH projects through peer exchange, sharing best practices as well as knowledge transfer. The cooperation will be further enhanced through facilitation of policy dialogues on national as well as local level.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    3’100’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    2’996’500
Project phases

Phase 3 01.07.2018 - 30.06.2022   (Completed)

Phase 2 01.11.2013 - 30.06.2018   (Completed)