A franco-swiss tripartite expedition climbed the 4,809m peak to celebrate 100 years of activity of the International Labour organization, which was founded as part of the Treaty of Versailles signed in 1919.
“This is an important opportunity, during the ILO’s 100th year, to highlight the enduring relationship between Switzerland and the international organizations based in Geneva, as well as show how we work together to achieve shared goals,” said Valerie Berset Bircher, Head of International Labour Affairs at the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
“It is fitting that we come together at this time to mark the anniversary of an Organization founded on the ambition of creating lasting peace. We hope to raise awareness of the need for strengthened global cooperation to meet the challenges of the future, said Thierry Dedieu, Conseiller aux Affaires Sociales at the Permanent Mission of France to the UN in Geneva.
“The climb symbolises our tripartite effort as an Organization during the last 100 years to achieve decent work and social justice. It is only by bringing together governments, workers and employers that we will find lasting solutions to world of work challenges. That solidarity will also be vital to making this climb a success,” said Frédéric Lapeyre, Senior Employment Specialist for the ILO.
A team of the Club Alpin Français accompanied the expedition.