Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility, 2014-2017
The Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) is a multi-donor technical assistance facility aimed at helping developing country governments improving the quality of their infrastructure services through private sector involvement.
Country/region | Period | Budget |
Africa Colombia Egypt Ghana Indonesia Peru Tunisia Vietnam South Africa |
- 31.12.2017 |
CHF 11’400’000
Project number UR00807
Background |
Effective infrastructure plays a pivotal role in stimulating sustainable economic growth and thus contributing to poverty reduction and combat climate change. The infrastructure financing gap of the developing countries is well documented and has gained greater attention in the recent development debates. To address this challenge, authorities at the national and subnational level have engaged in Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as a method of mobilising the financing and management expertise for infrastructure services. SECO has been supporting this endeavour through contributing to PPIAF since 1999. |
Objectives |
Enabling the public sector in developing countries to reduce poverty by attracting private sector participation and investment in infrastructure by supporting institution development, building capacity and accelerating PPP programs at a regional, national and sub-national level. |
Medium-term outcomes |
Government and subnational authorities have the capability to prioritize, plan and implement infrastructure projects and viable transactions. Government and subnational authorities can manage their financial and contingent liabilities for infrastructure projects and are creditworthy counterparties/off takers. Political and legal framework are supportive of Public Private Partnership (PPP) and subnational authorities debt financing. Regulatory regime is supportive of PPP and subnational authorities debt financing. All parties (government, private sector, civil society) have timely and transparent access to relevant and reliable information. Government, subnational authorities and private sector are enabled to enter the international and/or local financing and capital market. |
Results |
Expected results: Improved institutional capacity for developing sub-national PPP in Ghana. Assessment and Development of PPP pipeline for sub-nationals in South Africa. Facilitated institutional investors participation in Colombia transport infrastructure. Improved the institutional and policy environments for Colombia highways asset management. Implemented Green Business Plan in Da Nang with private sector participation. Port policies reformed and private investment framework created in Indonesia. Improved institutional capacity to implement PPP projects in Egypt. Pipeline identified and developed for PPP transport projects in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. 8 creditworthiness academies servicing approximately 200 cities. Improved capacity of regional economic communities (REC) and regional member countries (RMC) to prepare mutli-sector climate resilient regional infrastructure projects and prepared to access Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other sources. Business Plan developed for Southern Africa Power Pool. Results from previous phases: Since the last SECO contribution for the period 2009-2013 into the SECO Middle Income Country fund (MIC fund) and SNTA fund, PPIAF has supported following activities in SECO priority countries: 14 analyses and assessments, four policies, legal and regulatory recommendations, and the implementation of 11 workshops at the national level. support through the SNTA fund has produced 138 sub-national creditworthiness improvements, including benchmarking on creditworthiness, financial and debt management assessments , capital investment/financing plans, creditworthiness improvement action plans legal and regulatory assessments. Some of the key financing outcomes from the SNTA portfolio are: - Over $1 billion in sub-national transactions facilitated, including financing in Brazil, Burkina Faso, Honduras, Kenya, Peru, the Philippines, Senegal and Uganda - $500 million in projected transactions from the current ongoing portfolio, including in Kenya and Senegal |
Directorate/federal office responsible |
Credit area |
Development cooperation |
Budget | Current phase Swiss budget CHF 11’400’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF 0 Budget inclusive project partner CHF 56’100’000 |
Project phases |
- 30.06.2027
(Current phase)
Phase 6
- 30.06.2022
Phase 5 01.12.2014 - 31.12.2017 (Completed) |