Ignazio Cassis receives Niger's foreign minister in Bern

Press releases, 27.05.2024

On 27 May 2024, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis received Bakary Yaou Sangaré, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Nigeriens Abroad of the Republic of Niger, in Bern. The official working visit took place within the context of the long-standing relations of friendship and cooperation between Switzerland and Niger. The talks focused on the prospects for normalisation in Niger and the challenges facing the region.

The meeting provided an opportunity to reaffirm the long-standing relations between Niger and Switzerland and to discuss the current political and security challenges facing Niger and the wider West African subregion. Niger shared its assessment of the situation and outlined its future goals and aspirations.

In particular, the prospects for normalising relations between Niger and a number of partner countries and organisations, which were disrupted following the events of 26 July 2023, were discussed. Switzerland stressed the importance of dialogue between all the parties concerned, at national, regional and international level, with a view to finding viable and lasting political solutions.

The visit provided the opportunity to discuss in depth the structure and content of a dialogue process and confirmed Niger's wish to benefit from Switzerland's good offices. Offering good offices is enshrined in Switzerland's constitution and is a key instrument of its Foreign Policy Strategy 2024–27.

Since 1978, Niger has been a priority country for Swiss international cooperation, and the SDC maintains an office there, where its approach combines development cooperation, humanitarian aid and peace promotion. The Sahel is also a priority region in Switzerland's Sub-Saharan Africa Strategy 2021–24.

Further information:

Sub-Saharan Africa Strategy 2021–24

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CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs