The SABA Water and Sanitation Experience: Boosting Impact at Global Scale

Progetto concluso

For one of the first time in its history, SDC can exert important leverage effects – with little funding – upon nation-wide and international scaling up operations in Peru. The Global Program Water Initiatives decided to support this new generation of projects to demonstrate how SDC can generate added value and influence the global debate. The Peruvian authorities want to capitalize on SDC 15-year experience in rural water and sanitation in rural areas for boosting full national coverage of such services. This initiative is a new generation of projets required to respond: to the water& sanitation MDG’s water related targets and to the human right to access to water & sanitation.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Acqua potabile e strutture igieniche elementari (WASH) (til 2016)
Politica del settore idrico
Malattie infettive
01.05.2012 - 31.08.2016
CHF  5’855’235

The lack of access to water and basic sanitation is one of the major issues of this century for rural and marginal population througout the world, as a strong expression of the global water crisis. The UN decision to recognise access to water as a Human Right sets higher standards for defining “coverage”: in 2012, according to the WHO, 2.5 bilions of people are lacking access to water and basic sanitation. As other countries, Peru is facing an important gap in access to water between urban (89%) and rural (40%) areas. Women are particularly affected. The new Peruvian administration has set “access to quality water and sanitation” as a symbol of its new policies of social inclusion. Seeing that SDC experience in Peru (SABA model) has brought high quality outcomes and impact since 1997, the Ministry in charge of water and sanitation asked SDC to support their new National Rural Sanitation Programme through a four-year knowledge transfer and capacity building. This two-component programme intents to utilize this scaling up experience in Peru at global level.


The overall goal is to contribute to drastically increasing, on a sustainable basis, the coverage of quality water and basic sanitation services for rural less well-off population in Peru and to enrich the global debate with the capitalized experience. Component A – To contribute with know-how transfer, sharing of experience, capacity building and institutional strengthening to the success of a large scaling up experience of the SABA model in Peru, supporting the National Rural Sanitation Programme of the Government. Component B – In alliance with global players (Avina Foundation, Water and Sanitation Programme of the World Bank and the Rural Water & Sanitation Network and others) to capitalize on lessons learnt from the Peruvian scaling up and bring an added value to the global debate, facilitating experience sharing and diffusion of good practices and practical solutions.

Gruppi target

Component A – 4’500’000 persons from 880 predefined rural districts (out of 1800 districts in Peru) get access to quality water and basic sanitation services, according to Human Development Index rating and setting priority to the less well-off districts. Component B – water users associations in Latin America and other part of the world, decision makers, experts, international organizations and networks dedicated to water.

Effetti a medio termine

Component A – Through know-how transfer and capacity building (SABA model) of all actors of the National Rural Sanitation Program: 4’500’000 people of rural areas in Peru get access to quality water and basic sanitation between 2012 and 2016. The coverage for these services increases therefore from 40% to 57% for access to water and from 11% to 45% for basic sanitation services during these four years. In 2016, all responsible actors have built their capacities and the needed inter-institutional articulation has been strengthened; there is no need for further SDC support for reaching higher indices of coverage for the services. Component B – High impacting instruments based on SABA are generated in order to influence the national and international agendas on water and sanitation. The Peruvian experience of scaling up is utilized among water users associations in Latin America for promoting their sustainable development. Global actors have been informed about lessons learnt from the Peruvian case and the global debate has been enriched with good practices and practical solutions.


Risultati fasi precedenti:  

Over 15 years, the SABA model has been developed, validated, documented and scaled up in the regions of Cusco and Cajamarca. 200’000 people have benefited directly from access to quality water and basic sanitation schemes, on a sustainable basis, while 700’000 withdrew indirect profits. Through collaboration with universities in these (and other) regions, the positive socioeconomic impact of the model has been demonstrated and more than 700 professionals have been formed. A national policy and regional policies on water and sanitation have been enforced. The first scaling up experience from the original two regions (Cajamarca and Cusco) to six new regions has proved its success: full appropriation of the SABA model by the authorities, increase of regional public funding for SABA investments, effectiveness and sustainability of the interventions, well-functionning regional multi-stakeholders platforms are in place, etc. As an example, the model has been fully transferred to the rural region of Puno in less than five months.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Credito Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
ONG internazionale o straniera
  • Care International
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • SDC Field Office
  • Avina Foundation, Water & Sanitation Program (World Bank), Rural Water & Sanitation Network

Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    5’855’235 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    5’118’053
Fasi del progetto Fase 2 01.12.2014 - 30.11.2018   (Completed)

Fase 1 01.05.2012 - 31.08.2016   (Completed)