Climate Resilience Develoipment in Tajikistan

The  contribution  to  the HELVETAS project  aims  at building  resilience  of  livelihoods  of  the  rural communities  of  Khatlon  region,  vulnerable  to  climate  change.  The  population  and  particularly women  and  youth  will  engage  in  management,  regeneration  and  protection  of  their  natural resources and biodiversity while implementing disaster risk reduction measures. 

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Changement climatique & environnement
Conservation de l'énergie & efficacité
Politique de l’environnement
15.11.2023 - 13.11.2027
CHF  1’850’000

Tajikistan is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The key impacts identified are more frequent and damaging. This is aggravated by the environmental degradation, high exposure and the vulnerability of the populations and their livelihoods. Water scarcity and its seasonality; cross border nature of most rivers and the lack of data to inform water resource management and increased crop water demand are the other key climate risks.

The Khatlon Region is according to the World Bank the poorest in the country with a poverty rate of 32.8% and one of the most vulnerable regions of the country from a socioeconomic and environmental perspective.

The most critical issues in the region include growing pressure on natural resources such as land and water due to high population growth as well as to unsustainable and uninformed agricultural practices. Coupled with poor education services, unreliable supply with electricity during the cold season, a lack of income opportunities, degraded land and extreme hot weather conditions, it is creating a highly challenging habitat that is further deteriorating due to the climate change impact from year to year.

Objectifs The population of the region concerned by the project benefits from a climate resilient development path. 
Groupes cibles

Over the course of four years, the program will be implemented in three districts of Southern Khatlon (Dusti, Jayhun and Qubodiyon) and in the peri-urban area of Bokthar city - the capital city of Khatlon region, benefiting around 28,000 people (including 14,000 females).

The state partners and institutions will benefit from the capacity building events (Committee for Environment Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Committee for Emergency Situations, Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Academia).

Effets à moyen terme

Outcome 1: Communities and local authorities manage natural resources sustainably and take measures to conserve critically important areas such as biodiversity hotspots.

Outcome 2: Vulnerable households, especially women and youth, are resilient to climate change through diversified sustainable livelihoods and innovative solutions addressing climate risks.

Outcome 3: The Committee for Environmental Protection incorporates scientific evidence and field experience into the policy dialogue related to climate change and biodiversity.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

  • New Management Plan of the Tigrovaya Balka Nature Reserve is endorsed and implemented by the State Enterprise for National Protected Areas and funded by government and external sources
  • Selected sites of the ecosystems in the vicinity of the Tigrovaya Balka Nature Reserve are restored
  • Vulnerable households diversified their livelihoods, shifted from conventional to regenerative agricultural practices and benefitted from renewable energy and waste management solutions
  • Public awareness raised on the importance of climate change and loss of biodiversity particularly among youth
  • Facilitated knowledge management serves to share and exchange solutions to adapt to climate change
  • Policy insights are shared and used to develop future interventions to adapt to climate change

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Crédit Coopération avec l'Europe de l'Est
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Secteur privé
Organisation suisse à but non lucratif
  • HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
  • Secteur privé étranger Nord

Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs Coordination and synergies with government structures, local authorities, the EU, the World Bank, UN agencies and INGOs, civil society and the private sector will be ensured through existing decision making platforms such as the Tajikistan Disaster Risk Reduction National platform and the Pasture Management Network. The collaboration with other Swiss-funded relevant projects (e.g. Weather, Water and Climate Services of Caritas CH) will be strengthened through peer exchange, sharing best practices and knowledge 
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    1’850’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    600’000 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF    3’650’000 Projet total depuis la première phase Budget de la Suisse CHF   0 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF   1’850’000
Phases du projet Phase 1 15.11.2023 - 14.11.2037   (Phase en cours)