SMEs and Competitiveness

The objective of the domain SMEs and Competitiveness is to facilitate competitive and inclusive growth.

Switzerland continues to prioritise market access and value chain development with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the agricultural sector. It will expand financial sector support and access to finance for SMEs. It will more prominently address access to vocational education and training, and to employment (including for people living with disabilities).

Thanks to improved macro-economic conditions, a modernised regulatory framework, enforcement of the rule of law, strengthened service providers as well as access to inclusive and responsible financial services, a competitive environment will be built, where business and job opportunities for Ukrainian SMEs, including in conflict-affected areas and for women entrepreneurs, will be increased.

Skills tailored to market needs will enhance the employability of the labour force, both men and women, and facilitate access to more and decent jobs in support of SDG 8.

The support to this domain is provided by SECO and SDC. CHF 17,3 million will be channeled into the domain between 2020 and 2023.

Medical personnel caring for newborns in a neonatal ward in Lithuania
SDC/Jolanta Normantienè

Poverty means more than having no income, food and education. Unfortunately, the majority of the poorest is also characterized by fear and helplessness, lack of security and rights, discrimination and arbitrary government. So efforts to promote rule of law, human rights and justice are crucial for sustainable poverty reduction and guaranteeing development.

The SDC's worldwide engagement

This contributes to good governance and transparency in managing public resources as well as stability in the fiscal policy environment (monetary policy, public finances, banking system).

The SECO’s worldwide engagement