New technologies for Public Asset Governance

The project will support cities in Vietnam with project specific technical assistance and capacity-development activities to leverage disruptive technologies to improve governance of public infrastructure.

This will allow to better manage risks associated with rapid urbanization and climate change and building back after COVID-19.

Country/region Period Budget
01.09.2022 - 31.08.2025
CHF  2’700’000

To prepare the country for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Vietnam’s authorities are eager to develop and implement effective digital government strategies. Disruptive technology platforms and decision-support tools are perceived as a means for improving public infrastructure management, addressing the challenges of climate-change and offering better infrastructure service delivery. Extensive urbanization has amplified infrastructure demands. At the same time, poor planning and zoning implementation have exposed infrastructure investments to disaster and climate change risks. The traditional fragmented and paper based are not effective.


The overall impact of the project is the contribution to urban citizen’s benefit from more inclusive and resilient infrastructure services against climate-induced events through digital transformation.

Medium-term outcomes

People Pillar: Digital government skills for PAG in public sector enhanced.

Process Pillar: More enabling procedural and regulatory environment.

Technology Pillar: Simple, collaborative, and powerful data-driven decision platforms introduced


Expected results:  

People Pillar: Support to local training institutions to develop specific training curriculums and established networks to global training institutions and delivery of specific training to higher leadership and technical people.

Process Pillar: Development geospatial data standards for physical asset registry and data interoperability for specific infrastructure with high risk to climate impacts and increased investment or maintenance allocation for disruptive technology for public asset governance applications.

Technology Pillar: Tailored solutions developed or co-developed by Technology Innovation Partners and refined cloud-based models.

Results from previous phases:  

A Flood Exposure Mapping and Decision Support Platform (FEDS) has been co-developed together with Ho Chi Minh City authorities and 200 local officials were trained on it. It was decided that the FEDS will be rolled out city wide.

In the area of Long An, road network data was analyzed to identify solutions to improve investment planning and maintenance of the road network.

The state of policies and practices concerning the local climate change screening of public infrastructure investments was mapped in Hue. It assessed to what extent Vietnam’s institutional context enables the application of not only new digital, but also green(er) process innovations in the planning of infrastructure investments.

Directorate/federal office responsible SECO
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    2’700’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    0 Budget inclusive project partner CHF    3’400’000
Project phases Phase 1 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2025   (Current phase)