Past events (57)
Swiss Education Briefing 2015: What is the value of multilingualism?
Wednesday, 28.01.2015
Wednesday, 28.01.2015
Public event
Mastering multiple languages (at individual level) and making the most of linguistic diversity (at societal level) is often automatically correlated with personal empowerment, higher economic performance and cultural enrichment. But is it really so and what is needed to make this equation work?
Location: Mission of Switzerland to the EU
Swiss Science Lecture on Ebola
Tuesday, 27.01.2015
Tuesday, 27.01.2015
Conference Assembly; Conference
The Mission of Switzerland to the European Union and SwissCore organise a Swiss Science Lecture on Ebola with Marcel Tanner (Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute), Blaise Genton (Lausanne University Hospital) and Vasee Moorthy (World Health Organisation).
Location: Mission of Switzerland to the EU
Partners in Dialogue “Northern Kosovo: Perspectives for 2015 and beyond”
Tuesday, 20.01.2015
Tuesday, 20.01.2015
Public event
The Belgrade-Pristina Agreement on Normalization of Relations was signed in April 2013. The measures implemented so far have initiated difficult but ground-breaking changes, especially in northern Kosovo.
Location: Mission of Switzerland to the EU
„2 francos, 40 pesetas”
Thursday, 16.10.2014
Thursday, 16.10.2014
Private screening of the film „2 francos, 40 pesetas”
Soirée Suisse at Les Jeux d’Hiver
Monday, 29.09.2014
Monday, 29.09.2014
On 29 September 2014 the three Swiss representations in Brussels – the Swiss embassy and the missions to the EU and to NATO – invited their contacts to a sumptuous gourmet Swiss reception.
Location: Brussels
Swiss Science Briefing "Research in digital humanities is likely to undergo an evolution which is similar to life sciences 30 years ago"
Monday, 08.09.2014
Monday, 08.09.2014
Partners in Dialogue on Commodities: The Extractive Sector - Can transparency foster prosperity and development?
Monday, 02.06.2014
Monday, 02.06.2014
Public event
Location: Mission of Switzerland to the EU, Place du Luxembourg 1, 1050 Brussels
Roundtable discussion on „150 years of the First Geneva Convention – Enhancing Compliance with International Humanitarian Law Today”
Tuesday, 29.04.2014
Tuesday, 29.04.2014
International Festival 2014
Saturday, 22.03.2014
Saturday, 22.03.2014
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Last update 24.01.2018