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President Schneider-Ammann meets European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels

President Schneider-Ammann meets European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels

15.01.2016 — Press releases Mission EU Brussels

Bern, 15.01.2016 - On 15 January, President Johann N. Schneider-Ammann met European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker for a working meeting in Brussels, where talks focussed on the current challenges in relations between Switzerland and the EU, particularly the implementation of the constitutional provision on immigration. President Schneider-Ammann and Commission president Juncker agreed to stay in regular contact.

President Schneider-Ammann meets European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels

15.01.2016 — Press releases Europa
On 15 January, President Johann N. Schneider-Ammann met European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker for a working meeting in Brussels, where talks focussed on the current challenges in relations between Switzerland and the EU, particularly the implementation of the constitutional provision on immigration. President Schneider-Ammann and Commission president Juncker agreed to stay in regular contact.

Swiss Foreign Economic Policy: Assessment by the Federal Council

13.01.2016 — Press releases Europa

Bern - On 13 January 2015 the Federal Council released the 2015 Foreign Economic Policy Report. In the feature topic of the report, the Federal Council demonstrates how the Swiss government intends to provide the best possible environment for economic operators to create value added and jobs in Switzerland and to engage in innovative activities.

Federal Council approves the 2015 Foreign Policy Report

13.01.2016 — Press releases Europa
The Federal Council approved the 2015 Foreign Policy Report at its meeting on 13 January 2016. The report provides an overview of Swiss foreign policy and gives an account of Switzerland's most important foreign policy activities in 2015. This year's report features a chapter on Switzerland's commitment to human rights and international humanitarian law.

Enforcement initiative breaks with fundamental principles of democracy

22.12.2015 — Press releases Europa

Berne. The popular initiative ‘on the enforcement of the expulsion of foreign criminals (the enforcement initiative)’ bypasses the legislator and restricts the powers of the courts. It therefore breaks with the principles of democracy and calls the constitutional state into question. Its provisions conflict with human rights and with the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFMP) with the EU. If accepted, it would create further uncertainty over Switzerland’s bilateral relations with its most important trade partner. The Federal Council and Parliament therefore reject the enforcement initiative.

Switzerland–EU: Consultations on free movement of persons to intensify

21.12.2015 — Press releases Europa

Bern - President Simonetta Sommaruga met European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and President of the Council Jean Asselborn for a working meeting in Brussels on Monday. The three agreed to continue and intensify consultations on the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons. Both sides aim to reach a mutually acceptable solution that complies with both the Swiss Constitution and the Agreement on Free Movement.

Controlling immigration: Federal Council decides on safeguard clause

Controlling immigration: Federal Council decides on safeguard clause

04.12.2015 — Press releases Mission EU Brussels

Bern, 04.12.2015 - The Federal Council today discussed how immigration can be managed so as to comply with constitutional requirements. It made a number of preliminary decisions, taking account of the results of consultations on the draft of new legislation on foreign nationals: the Federal Council is looking to apply a safeguard clause in order to control the immigration of persons covered by the Agreement on the free movement of persons with the European Union (EU). To do so, it will seek a mutually acceptable solution with the EU. In the event that it is unable to reach agreement with the EU in time, the Federal Council has, in a parallel move, instructed the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) to draft a dispatch on a unilateral safeguard clause. This dispatch should be ready by the beginning of March 2016. The Federal Council will consider measures to enhance the potential of the domestic workforce and tackle labour market abuses at its meeting on 18 December.

Switzerland to strengthen its partnership with Austria at the consular level

03.12.2015 — Press releases Europa
Didier Burkhalter, the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), met on Thursday with Sebastian Kurz, Austria's Minister for Foreign Affairs, on the margins of the 22nd OSCE Ministerial Council meeting held in Belgrade on 3 and 4 December. They signed a new consular agreement between Switzerland and Austria that will allow the two countries to step up their cooperation at various levels. In addition, Mr Burkhalter and Mr Kurz discussed a number of bilateral and international issues, including security in Europe and the Middle East, the migration crisis and relations between Switzerland and the European Union (EU).

Towards a single charger for mobile telephones

25.11.2015 — Press releases Europa

Bern - From summer 2017, all mobile telephones sold on the Swiss market will be compatible with a universal charger. The Federal Council today accepted the revision of two ordinances on telecommunications and electrical equipment. It is a question of harmonising the technical requirements in Switzerland with those of the European Union.

EU recognises Swiss central counterparty regulation as equivalent

16.11.2015 — Press releases Mission EU Brussels

Bern, 16.11.2015 - Switzerland's supervisory regime for central counterparties has been recognised by the European Commission as equivalent to the relevant provisions applicable within the European Union (EU). The equivalence decision provides the basis for Swiss central counterparties to access cross-border markets in the EU. It was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 14 November 2015.

Swiss Labour Force Survey and its derivative statistics in 3rd quarter 2015: labour supply – 1.1% increase in number of employed persons; unemployment rate based on ILO definition at 4.9%

12.11.2015 — Press releases Europa

Neuchâtel, According to figures from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), the number of employed persons in Switzerland rose by 1.1% between the 3rd quarter 2014 and the 3rd quarter 2015. During the same period, the unemployment rate as defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) increased slightly in Switzerland from 4.8% to 4.9%. The EU's unemployment rate based on the ILO definition decreased from 9.8% to 9.0%.

Object 553 – 564 of 691

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