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Object 169 – 180 of 686

Second Swiss contribution – migration framework credit: Karin Keller-Sutter signs first implementation agreement with Greece

14.10.2022 — Press releases Europa
The second Swiss contribution to selected EU member states will be used to fund projects and programmes that support countries facing high migratory pressure. On 14 October in Luxembourg, Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter and Greek Minister of Migration and Asylum Notis Mitarachi signed an implementation agreement on bilateral cooperation in this matter. Switzerland has earmarked CHF 40 million for the support of migration-related projects and programmes in Greece.

Exploratory talks between Switzerland and the EU: organisational structure to ensure better management of policy and content

11.10.2022 — Press releases EDA
On 31 August 2022, the Federal Council decided to establish an organisational structure to ensure better management of policy and content for Switzerland's exploratory talks with the EU. This consists of a steering group involving all departments and a sounding board with representatives from the cantons, social partners and the business community. Both bodies are chaired by head of the FDFA and President of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis. The steering group was formed in September and the sounding board has been set up today.

President Cassis visits Council of Europe in Strasbourg

10.10.2022 — Press releases EDA
On Monday 10 October, President Ignazio Cassis presented to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg Switzerland's goals and visions for the future of the organisation and held talks with its leading figures. He also mentioned the missile attacks on several Ukrainian cities and strongly condemned them. It was the first visit paid to the Council of Europe by a Swiss president in over thirty years.

President Cassis to represent Switzerland at the first meeting of the European Political Community in Prague

03.10.2022 — Press releases EDA
On Thursday, 6 October, President Ignazio Cassis will attend the first meeting of the European Political Community. The summit is taking place at the invitation of the European Council and the Czech EU presidency in Prague. The aim is to foster political dialogue and cooperation in Europe. The event will be attended by the European Union (EU) and its member states as well as more than a dozen European states that are not members of the EU.

Einfuhrzölle auf landwirtschaftliche Verarbeitungsprodukte: Anpassung der Referenzpreise

14.09.2022 — Press releases Europa
Der Gemischte Ausschuss des Freihandelsabkommens Schweiz-EU hat am 8. September 2022 beschlossen, die Referenzpreise für landwirtschaftliche Rohstoffe auf den 1. Oktober 2022 anzupassen. Diese Preise dienen zur Berechnung der Einfuhrzölle für bestimmte landwirtschaftliche Verarbeitungserzeugnisse aus der EU. Auf das gleiche Datum werden auch die Zölle auf Importe dieser Produkte aus Drittländern aktualisiert.

Foreign policy cooperation and bilateral relations: State Secretary Livia Leu holds foreign policy consultations with EU's European External Action Service

13.09.2022 — Press releases EDA
State Secretary Livia Leu received the Secretary-General of the European External Action Service (EEAS), Stefano Sannino, for political consultations in Bern on 13 September. They focused on the European and global crisis caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine, its impact on European security architecture, and cooperation between Switzerland and the EU.

President Ignazio Cassis attends meeting of German-speaking heads of state in Liechtenstein

13.09.2022 — Press releases EDA
At the invitation of Alois, Hereditary Prince and Regent of Liechtenstein, the annual meeting of the six German-speaking heads of state took place in Vaduz from 12 to 13 September. The talks focused on current domestic and foreign policy issues, in particular the war in Ukraine. Philanthropy and its benefits for society were also discussed as a thematic focus of the meeting.

Second Swiss contribution: Federal Council approves implementation agreements between Switzerland and eight EU states

31.08.2022 — Press releases EDA
The Federal Council approved the bilateral implementation agreements for the Swiss contribution to cohesion in Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Malta, Romania and Poland on 31 August 2022. The agreements provide the basis for Switzerland's cooperation programmes in those areas where its support will add value. Now that the agreements have been approved, Switzerland can move into the operational stage.

State Secretary Hirayama attends informal EU ministerial meeting on competition in research and innovation

22.07.2022 — Press releases Europa
State Secretary Martina Hirayama attended the informal meeting of ministers responsible for research and innovation from the EU member states in Prague (Czech Republic) on 21 and 22 July. The event, which takes place twice a year, focused on two different policy debates, namely synergies in the funding of research and innovation in Europe, and possible measures in the area of research and innovation in response to Russia's military aggression in Ukraine. State Secretary Hirayama also held bilateral talks with the representatives from Romania, Finland, Norway and Lithuania.

Official visit to Greece by State Secretary Martina Hirayama to focus on education, research, innovation and archaeology

19.07.2022 — Press releases Europa
On 19 July, Martina Hirayama, State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation, held official talks in Athens with the Minister for Development and Investment, Adonis Georgiadis, and with the Minister for Education and Religious Affairs, Niki Kerameus. She also visited the excavation site of the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece (ESAG), which has received federal support since 2008.

Personenfreizügigkeit: Zuwanderung dämpft Arbeitskräftemangel

07.07.2022 — Press releases Europa
Die Auswirkungen der Covid-Krise auf den Arbeitsmarkt sind weitgehend überwunden. Der Wiederaufschwung hat in verschiedenen Wirtschaftszweigen Arbeitskräfteengpässe nach sich gezogen. Die Zuwanderung von Arbeitskräften aus dem Ausland hilft mit, diese zu entschärfen. Die Personenfreizügigkeit bleibt zur bedarfsgerechten Deckung der Arbeitskräftenachfrage wichtig, wie der diesjährige Bericht des Observatoriums zum Freizügigkeitsabkommen unter anderem am Beispiel des Berufsfelds der IT zeigt.

Object 169 – 180 of 686

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