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Federal Council approves 2017 Foreign Policy Report

21.02.2018 — Press releases Europa
The Federal Council approved the 2017 Foreign Policy Report at its meeting on 21 February 2018. The report gives an account of Switzerland's most important foreign policy activities in 2017 in the context of international developments.

Relations with the EU: The Federal Council examines new approaches to settling disputes

31.01.2018 — Press releases Europa
At its meeting on 31 January 2018, the Federal Council conducted an in-depth discussion on Swiss European policy. In particular, it discussed the current situation, the medium and long-term objectives of Swiss policy on the European Union (EU), and the way to proceed. The Federal Council would like to further develop Switzerland’s political and economic relations with the EU and for this reason is examining new approaches to settling disputes within the framework of negotiations. It is also mindful to develop solutions that find domestic support. In addition, it has appointed Roberto Balzaretti, currently head of the Directorate of International Law of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), as head of the Directorate of European Affairs (DEA). He will take up his new duties on 1 February 2018. In this capacity he will coordinate all the different negotiations under way with the EU. To carry out this task, he has been given the title of state secretary.

New director of Directorate for European Affairs and other appointments

31.01.2018 — Press releases Europa
Personnel changes will take place in 2018 at several Swiss representations abroad and at the head office of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) in Bern, within the framework of the usual transfer rotation based on appointments made by the Federal Council. The appointment of heads of mission abroad becomes effective following approval by the respective host state.

Federal Council sets parameters for dispatch on tax proposal 17

31.01.2018 — Press releases Europa
During its meeting on 31 January 2018, the Federal Council set the parameters for the dispatch on tax proposal 17. Based on the results of the consultation procedure, the Federal Council decided that the cantons' share of direct federal tax should be raised to 21.2%. The Federal Department of Finance (FDF) has been instructed to prepare the dispatch by the end of March.

Statement by President Doris Leuthard on the EU’s decision regarding stock market equivalence

21.12.2017 — Press releases Europa
The Federal Council has addressed the issue of stock market equivalence on a number of occasions. In recent days and weeks, Switzerland has made approaches at various levels. It has made its position clear, in particular to member states, the Commission and the Commission president. That position is that Switzerland fulfils the conditions for recognition of stock market equivalence every bit as much as the other third countries that have been granted indefinite recognition. Switzerland therefore considers this limited recognition to be a clear case of discrimination. The linking of this technical dossier with institutional issues is extraneous and unacceptable.

Switzerland and France give go-ahead to implementation of EuroAirport agreement

19.12.2017 — EDA
At their first meeting, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis and French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian brought the issue of the tax regime at Basel-Mulhouse (EuroAirport) to a conclusion: the agreement regulating Swiss companies operating at EuroAirport will be applicable from next year. The two foreign ministers' working meeting also focused on other bilateral issues, the situation in Europe and Switzerland's policy with regard to the EU.

Switzerland and Portugal to work together more closely on digitalisation

28.11.2017 — Press releases Europa

Switzerland and Portugal reaffirmed their close ties during President Doris Leuthard’s visit to Lisbon and defined areas in which cooperation could be further intensified, with the priority on digitalisation. The main topics of discussion during the official talks on Tuesday, 28 November, were European policy, economic relations and cooperation on education and research.

Switzerland's eGovernment on track

27.11.2017 — Press releases Europa

On 27 November 2017, the European Commission published the 14th eGovernment Benchmark report. Switzerland has improved year on year in almost all areas examined. There is need for improvement in the expansion of key technical modules.

President of the Swiss Confederation Doris Leuthard receives President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker

23.11.2017 — Press releases Mission EU Brussels

Bern, 23.11.2017 - President Doris Leuthard met with the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker today in Bern. Ms Leuthard, who was accompanied by Federal Councillors Alain Berset and Ignazio Cassis, and Mr Juncker reiterated the importance and diversity of bilateral relations between Switzerland and the European Union (EU). They drew a positive assessment of the progress made this year in several areas and agreed on the next steps. Ms Leuthard and Mr Juncker also reiterated their desire to develop the bilateral approach.

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