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Ignazio Cassis receives Czech Foreign Minister Tomáš Petříček in Bern: bilateral and European relations on the agenda

05.10.2020 — Press releases EDA
On 6 October Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Tomáš Petříček at the Lohn Manor. The meeting focused on the strength of Swiss-Czech bilateral relations and included discussions on possible areas for further collaboration. Mr Cassis and Mr Petříček also addressed a number of European and international issues. Switzerland and the Czech Republic maintain excellent economic relations and enjoy close cultural and social ties.

Ignazio Cassis on official visit to San Marino, where tradition meets innovation

01.10.2020 — Press releases EDA
On 1 October Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis participated as official speaker at the investiture of the captains regent of San Marino, a traditional ceremony that has been handed down unaltered since 1243. In his speech, the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) restated the importance of multilateralism and international Geneva as a platform for discussion on digitalisation. The two countries also signed a memorandum of understanding committing them to work together more closely in the multilateral arena.

Switzerland completes emergency aid operation on Lesbos

30.09.2020 — Press releases EDA
Switzerland responded immediately with emergency aid following a fire which devastated the refugee transit camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. Over several weeks, Swiss Humanitarian Aid focused on access to safe drinking water, medical support in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and disaster risk reduction. It also dispatched five tonnes of relief supplies to the facility. Switzerland is ending its emergency aid activities on Wednesday 30 September, having restored access to clean drinking water for 10,000 people. It will continue its support in the form of medium and long-term assistance.

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis on official visit to San Marino

29.09.2020 — Press releases EDA
On 1 October, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will take part in the investiture of the two captains regent, the joint heads of state of the Republic of San Marino. The head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs was invited as official speaker at the ceremony. The official visit will also provide an opportunity to discuss bilateral and international issues.

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis holds official working meeting with Foreign Minister Katrin Eggenberger in Vaduz

25.09.2020 — Press releases EDA
Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, met on 25 September 2020 with Liechtenstein's Minister for Foreign Affairs, Justice and Culture Katrin Eggenberger during an official visit to the Principality of Liechtenstein. The two foreign ministers discussed cross-border and bilateral relations as well as European and international issues. That evening, Mr Ignazio Cassis will give a speech on Swiss foreign policy to a group of business leaders. Mr Ignazio Cassis also met with H.S.H. Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein.

Coronavirus: No quarantine for persons entering from border regions

11.09.2020 — Press releases EDA
At its meeting on 11 September, the Federal Council decided on the quarantine rules for persons entering Switzerland from neighbouring countries: only those regions of neighbouring countries where the infection rate is over the limit will be added to the list of countries and areas with an increased rate of infection, not the entire country. Border regions may be exempted from inclusion on the list. In so doing, the Federal Council is responding to the rapid rise in infection numbers, while still taking account of the close interaction between Switzerland and neighbouring regions. The revised ordinance will come into force on 14 September. At the same time, the list of risk areas will be updated.

Ceneri 2020: Base tunnel opening ceremony and NRLA fully operative

06.08.2020 — Press releases Mission EU Brussels
Bern, 06.08.2020 - In the first week of September, Simonetta Sommaruga, President of the Swiss Confederation, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis and the president of the Ticino cantonal council Norman Gobbi will open the new Ceneri Base Tunnel, the final link in the New Rail Link through the Alps (NRLA). The tunnel will be officially handed over to the operator SBB on 4 September. A day previously, Ms Sommaruga will meet representatives of Switzerland’s partner countries. The NRLA – the heart of the rail freight corridor running through the Alps – is key to Switzerland’s policy of shifting freight transport from road to rail. Thanks to the Ceneri Base Tunnel, Ticino also gains an attractive suburban railway.

State Secretary Hirayama at the informal EU ministerial meeting on research and innovation

21.07.2020 — Press releases Europa
State Secretary Martina Hirayama participated by videoconference in the informal meeting of the ministers for research and innovation of the EU member states on 21 July 2020. The biannual event focused on the dialogue about joint research and innovation activities to foster a sustainable and sovereign Europe, in particular in the context of global crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Switzerland’s participation highlighted its commitment to the European Research Area and emphasised that it attaches great importance to generating and sharing knowledge at the international level.

Personenfreizügigkeit im Jahr 2019: Arbeitsmarkt weiterhin ausgeglichen

29.06.2020 — Press releases Europa
Die Zuwanderung aus dem EU/EFTA-Raum in die Schweiz belief sich 2019 auf 30 700 Personen und ging damit im Vergleich zu 2018 leicht zurück, wie das SECO in seinem 16. Bericht des Observatoriums zum Freizügigkeitsabkommen Schweiz–EU festhält. Diese Entwicklung geht mit einem hohen Beschäftigungsgrad und einer rückläufigen Arbeitslosigkeit einher. Das inländische Arbeitskräftepotenzial wird zunehmend besser ausgeschöpft. Die Zuwanderung trägt zur Arbeitsmarktflexibilität bei und Personen, die im Familiennachzug eingewandert sind, integrieren sich gut in den Arbeitsmarkt.

Resumption of mobility and bilateral and cross-border cooperation at heart of Federal Councillor Cassis’ Geneva visit

26.06.2020 — Press releases EDA
Today in Geneva, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis met Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Minister of State, attached to the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs. During this final stage of Mr Cassis' 'border tour', after visits to Ticino and Kreuzlingen, the main talking points were the effectiveness of cross-border cooperation during the coronavirus crisis and the resumption of mobility across the Franco-Swiss border. European policy issues were also discussed.

Kreuzlingen: Ignazio Cassis stresses importance of open borders

17.06.2020 — Press releases EDA
Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis met today in Kreuzlingen, on the Swiss side of Lake Constance, with Austria's Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, Liechtenstein's Foreign Minister Katrin Eggenberger, Deputy Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg Thomas Strobl and representatives of the International Lake Constance Conference Günther Eberle, Director of the State Government Office of Vorarlberg, and Walter Schönholzer, President of the Cantonal Council of Thurgau. The talks focused on the reopening of borders within Europe, cooperation during the coronavirus crisis and other European policy issues.

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis meets Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio in Ticino

16.06.2020 — Press releases Europa
Following the reopening of borders within Europe, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis has met the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Luigi Di Maio in Ticino. Together with his Italian counterpart, the head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) highlighted the good cooperation between Switzerland and Italy in managing the COVID-19 pandemic, and expressed solidarity and encouragement to the people living on either side of the Italian-Swiss border.

Object 301 – 312 of 686

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