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Object 97 – 108 of 689

Federal Councillor Amherd signs memoranda of understanding to increase international cooperation

07.07.2023 — Press releases Europa
Federal Councillor Amherd, head of the DDPS, is hosting this year's D-A-CH meeting, for which Austria and Germany's ministers of defence, Klaudia Tanner and Boris Pistorius, have travelled to Bern. The main topics were the security situation in Europe, the effects of the war in Ukraine, trilateral cooperation and military peacebuilding. The three ministers of defence signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on their participation in the European Sky Shields Initiative (ESSI), which deals with procurement, and an agreement to promote research cooperation in the field of armaments. Ms Amherd and Mr Pistorius also expressed their intention to cooperate bilaterally in the area of strategic air transport.

Climate change and security: State Secretary Livia Leu attends OSCE High-Level Conference on Climate Change in Vienna

07.07.2023 — Press releases EDA
FDFA State Secretary Livia Leu took part today in the OSCE High-Level Conference on Climate Change, focusing on the impact of climate change on security and stability in the OSCE region. This follows State Secretary Leu's participation in the UN Security Council debate on climate security on 13 June 2023, highlighting Switzerland's commitment to addressing this critical issue.

Federal Councillor Viola Amherd receives Austrian Defence Minister Klaudia Tanner and German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius in Bern

06.07.2023 — Press releases Europa
The annual gathering of Swiss, Austrian and German defence ministers is taking place in Bern on 6 and 7 July. Federal Councillor Viola Amherd has invited Austrian Defence Minister Klaudia Tanner and German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius to discuss a range of issues including the impact of the war in Ukraine on European security policy, trilateral cooperation and military peace support. A memorandum of understanding to participate in the European Sky Shields Initiative is also expected to be signed.

Personenfreizügigkeit: Zuwanderung erweitert das Potenzial des Arbeitsmarkts

04.07.2023 — Press releases Europa
Die EU-Zuwanderung war zur Deckung der Arbeitskräftenachfrage in den vergangenen zwanzig Jahren wichtig. Dabei diente die Rekrutierung im Ausland in vielen Berufen vermehrt auch der Abfederung von demografischem Ersatzbedarf. Dieser wird in den kommenden Jahren nicht nur hierzulande, sondern auch im Ausland weiter zunehmen. Im Wettbewerb um Arbeitskräfte ist die Schweiz gut aufgestellt, wie der 19. Bericht des Observatoriums zum Freizügigkeitsabkommen zeigt.

Bundesrat Rösti auf Arbeitsbesuch in Italien

03.07.2023 — Press releases Europa
Am 6. Juli 2023 reist Bundesrat Albert Rösti nach Rom. Der UVEK-Vorsteher trifft Matteo Salvini, Vizepräsident des italienischen Ministerrats und Minister für Infrastruktur und Transport zu einem bilateralen Gespräch. Weiter wird Umwelt- und Energieminister Rösti mit Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister für Umwelt und Energiesicherheit, zusammentreffen. In den beiden Gesprächen steht die Vertiefung der bilateralen Zusammenarbeit im Verkehrs- sowie im Energiebereich im Zentrum.

Elisabeth Baume-Schneider to visit aid projects in Poland and Slovakia for people who have fled the war in Ukraine

30.06.2023 — Press releases Europa
On 5 and 6 July, Federal Councillor Elisabeth Baume-Schneider will be on a working visit to Poland and Slovakia, two countries neighbouring Ukraine that have taken in large numbers of refugees. Ms Baume-Schneider will visit several aid projects for Ukrainian refugees that are co-financed by Switzerland. She will also meet her counterparts in both countries for bilateral exchanges.

Launch of new cooperation programme between Switzerland and the Czech Republic

29.06.2023 — Press releases EDA
State Secretary Helene Budliger Artieda and Czech Minister of Finance Zbynêk Stanjura signed a bilateral agreement in Prague implementing Switzerland's second contribution to selected EU Member States. Switzerland is allocating CHF 76.9 million towards a programme in the Czech Republic. This visit underlines Switzerland’s interest in further enhancing its already very good bilateral relations with the Czech Republic.

Attempts to destabilise Moldova: Federal Council adopts targeted sanctions

28.06.2023 — Press releases Europa
On 28 June, the Federal Council decided on targeted sanctions in relation to the situation in Moldova and adopted an ordinance to this effect. Switzerland is thus joining the EU in imposing sanctions at Moldova's request due to the intensification of destabilising actions in the country since the start of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine. The ordinance concerning Moldova will come into force on 28 June at 6pm.

Switzerland and France sign an additional agreement supplementing the bilateral double taxation agreement

27.06.2023 — Press releases Europa
On 27 June 2023 in Paris, State Secretary Daniela Stoffel signed an additional agreement containing new and permanent taxation rules for income from home working, as a supplement to the bilateral double taxation agreement. The additional agreement permits cross-border home working for up to 40% of annual working time – especially for cross-border commuters. It is part of the solution agreed at the end of 2022 with regard to home working.

Ukraine: Anerkennung für den Beitrag der Schweiz im Sanktionsbereich

23.06.2023 — Press releases Europa
Der Bundesrat begrüsst den Entscheid der EU, die Schweiz in die Liste der Partnerländer im Zusammenhang mit den Sanktionen gegenüber Russland aufzunehmen. Damit wird die enge Partnerschaft der Schweiz und der EU im Sanktionsbereich weiter unterstrichen.

State Secretary Martina Hirayama at Europa Forum Wachau

23.06.2023 — Press releases Europa
On 23 June, State Secretary Martina Hirayama attended the Europa Forum Wachau in Stift Göttweig (Austria). The theme this year is ‘Building a resilient, green and competitive Europe’. While at the conference, State Secretary Hirayama also held bilateral talks with Martin Polaschek, the Austrian Minister for Education, Science and Research.

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