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Object 133 – 144 of 686

EU Digital policy: Analysis of the impact on Switzerland

18.04.2023 — Press releases Europa
Switzerland is affected in a range of areas by the European Union's digital policy regulations. That is the upshot of an analysis conducted by the Federal Administration that was published on 18 April. Based on EU digital policy, there is no immediate need for regulation in Switzerland, as there are no significant market access barriers. It can, however, initiate regulation at its own initiative in individual areas.

Ignazio Cassis on working visit to Italy and the Vatican

13.04.2023 — Press releases EDA
On 19 April Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will travel to Rome for a three-day working visit and a series of talks with officials of the Holy See and the Italian Republic. The head of the FDFA will meet with the secretary of state of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, and the secretary for relations with states, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher. In addition to opening the new premises of the Swiss embassy to the Vatican, he will meet with Italy's foreign minister, Antonio Tajani and economy and finance minister, Giancarlo Giorgetti.

More than 800 000 Swiss nationals lived abroad at the end of 2022

06.04.2023 — Press releases Europa
In 2022, the population of Swiss citizens residing abroad exceeded the 800 000 mark. This number showed continued growth compared with 2021 (+1.5%), but also between 2002 and 2022 (+34%). Europe was still the preferred continent, although more and more Swiss citizens lived in parts of Asia. These are some of the results of the statistics on the Swiss abroad from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).

Delegation from Greenland to visit Switzerland

03.04.2023 — Press releases EDA
Government officials and scientists from Greenland are in Switzerland from 3 to 5 April 2023 for a visit organised by the Swiss Polar Institute (SPI) and coordinated by the FDFA as part of its participation in the Arctic Council. The discussions will focus on the integrated management of natural risks and hazards.

Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter receives Austrian Minister of Finance, Magnus Brunner

31.03.2023 — Press releases Europa
On 31 March 2023, Finance Minister Karin Keller-Sutter met her Austrian counterpart, Magnus Brunner, in St Gallen. Following a visit to the Abbey Library, they discussed current financial and tax topics. The conversation centred around, among other things, the OECD's minimum taxation rules, the uncertain global economic situation and the repercussions of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. The meeting also provided an opportunity to deepen bilateral relations between the two countries and to acknowledge the importance of cooperation among the four countries that border Lake Constance.

Ukraine: Switzerland to implement tenth package of sanctions

29.03.2023 — Press releases Europa
At its meeting on 29 March, the Federal Council decided to enact further sanctions against Russia. This aligns Switzerland with the European Union, which recently adopted a tenth package of sanctions. The latest measures also include humanitarian exemptions and introduce a new means of safeguarding Swiss economic interests in specific cases. The changes come into effect at 8pm on 29 March.

Die Schweiz und Liechtenstein feiern das 100-Jahr-Jubiläum des Zollvertrags

29.03.2023 — Press releases Europa
Die Schweiz und Liechtenstein haben anlässlich einer Feier zum 100-Jahr-Jubiläum des Zollvertrags in Schaan/FL die engen Beziehungen gewürdigt, die beide Länder verbinden. Mit der Vertragsunterzeichnung am 29. März 1923 ist ein gemeinsamer Wirtschaftsraum entstanden und damit die Basis für die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit. An der Jubiläumsfeier auf Einladung der liechtensteinischen Regierung nahmen seitens der Schweiz Bundespräsident Alain Berset sowie zahlreiche Repräsentantinnen und Repräsentanten des Bundes, von Kantonen und Gemeinden teil.

Two Swiss take on important roles at the European Space Agency ESA

24.03.2023 — Press releases Europa
Renato Krpoun, Head of the Swiss Space Office at the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI, will be the first Swiss to chair the ESA Council at delegate level. The two-year term of Renato Krpoun will start from 1st July 2023. Daniel Neuenschwander, Director of Space Transportation since mid-2016, will take over responsibility for the Human and Robotic Exploration Directorate as from 1st July 2023.

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis receives Slovenian foreign minister in Riehen (BS)

21.02.2023 — Press releases EDA
The head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Ignazio Cassis, received Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, Deputy Prime Minister Tanja Fajon in Riehen (Basel-Stadt). Their discussions focused on the war in Ukraine, the work of the UN Security Council, Switzerland's European policy and the excellent bilateral relations between Switzerland and Slovenia.

Ukraine: price caps for Russian petroleum products to take effect

15.02.2023 — Press releases Europa
The Federal Council today aligned its sanctions regime on crude oil and petroleum products from Russia with the latest package of sanctions adopted by the European Union (EU). The new measures enter into effect at 6pm on 15 February 2023.

Object 133 – 144 of 686

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