Switzerland takes a proactive approach in its foreign policy, working to bolster its relations with neighbouring countries and the EU, strengthen its global partnerships, and advance its mediation efforts for peace and security as well as its commitment to sustainable development and prosperity.
Switzerland and the World

Switzerland's relations with the EU, particularly its neighbouring countries, plays a key role in Swiss foreign policy. Within this framework, Switzerland works at multilateral level to increase stability in Europe and throughout the world and to build on its strategic partnerships.
One of the pillars of Swiss foreign policy is neutrality. This means Switzerland may not take part in armed conflicts. In its capacity as a neutral country, Switzerland can mediate between conflicting parties and act as a host state. It also undertakes protecting power mandates for third countries that have broken off diplomatic relations.
Coupled with Switzerland's neutrality and humanitarian tradition, the founding of the Red Cross in Geneva has established the city as a global hub for hundreds of international organisations and NGOs.
Switzerland is also strongly committed to sustainable development aid and provides emergency relief during humanitarian disasters.