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Monday, 26.11.2018 – Wednesday, 28.11.2018


Poster © CUHK

ENSEMBLE MISE-EN is a New York-based contemporary music collective led by composer Moon Young Ha. Comprised of talented musicians, ENSEMBLE MISE-EN strives to bring a repertoire of challenging new sounds to diverse audiences, wishing to impart an experience that is simultaneously multicultural and intellectually and aesthetically pleasing.


Hong Kong Premieres 香港首演

8pm | Mon 星期一 26.11.2018

Lee Hysan Concert Hall, CUHK 香港中文大學利希慎音樂廳

Free admission with registration, free seating 免費登記入場 不設劃位

9pm | Post-concert Reception 音樂會後設酒會招待

Sponsored by the Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong 由瑞士駐香港領事館贊助

Programme 節目

Erzählung (2013) by Katharina Rosenberger

Danse aveugle (1996-1997) by Hanspeter Kyburz

Beati Pauperes I (1979) by Klaus Huber

Wundgewandert (2005-2018) by Younghi Pagh-Paan


Premieres of CUHK Composers' Works 音樂系作品首演

8pm | Wed 星期三 28.11.2018

Lee Hysan Concert Hall, CUHK 香港中文大學利希慎音樂廳

Free admission with registration, free seating 免費登記入場 不設劃位


For more information and registration, please visit here 

Location: Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Chinese University of Hong Kong