Real Fiction Cinema

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Tuesday, 27.09.2016 – Saturday, 15.10.2016


Real Fiction Cinema, a non-commercial temporary art installation, will start its China premiere in Shanghai on September 27 after travelling extensively in Switzerland. Curated by Swiss curator Klaus Littmann and Dutch artist Job Koelewijn, the project comprises of three cinemas at three locations in Shanghai. It intends to provide a unique perspective of temporary art interventions in public spaces. After Shanghai, the project will go on a tour of 10 cities in China. A book and an independent film will be produced and distributed worldwide after the tour. 

The three cinemas will be installed at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Si Nan Mansion and Shanghai Expo area. Each cinema is 12 meters long, 5 meters wide and 2.7 meters tall and can host 23 audiences. A concurrent film projection will be presented at MOCA, where interactions among visitors will take place from these three locations. 

Free admission. Pre-booking through Geward online ( required.

Location: Shanghai