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Object 277 – 288 of 686

Switzerland - UK: Federal Council launches consultation on Services Mobility Agreement

17.02.2021 — Press releases Europa
On 17 February, the Federal Council opened consultation proceedings on the agreement between Switzerland and the UK on the mobility of service providers (Services Mobility Agreement, SMA). The agreement ensures reciprocal facilitated access for service providers between Switzerland and the UK following the expiry of the Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFMP). The consultation runs until 30 April.

Einfuhrzölle auf landwirtschaftliche Verarbeitungsprodukte: Anpassung der Referenzpreise auf den 1. März 2021

16.02.2021 — Press releases Europa
Der Gemischte Ausschuss des Freihandelsabkommens Schweiz-EU von 1972 hat am 12.02.2021 beschlossen, die im Protokoll Nr. 2 des Freihandelsabkommens über bestimmte landwirtschaftliche Verarbeitungserzeugnisse festgelegten Referenzpreise auf den 1. März 2021 anzupassen. Auf das gleiche Datum werden die Zölle auf Importe dieser Produkte aus Drittländern aktualisiert.

Appointment of the Swiss delegation to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

12.02.2021 — Press releases EDA
On 22 January 2021, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis appointed the 12 members of the Swiss delegation to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe (hereafter the Congress) for the period 2021–26. The candidatures were proposed by the Conference of Cantonal Governments, the Swiss Union of Cities and the Association of Swiss Communes. Following formal validation by the Congress Bureau on 12 February 2021, the new delegation can now begin its work in preparation for the renewal session from 23 to 25 March.

Swiss foreign policy under the COVID-19 pandemic

03.02.2021 — Press releases EDA
At its meeting on 3 February 2021, the Federal Council approved the 2020 Foreign Policy Report. The report provides an overview of the priorities of Swiss foreign policy in the past year, most of which was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. Other priorities were European policy and the implementation of the Foreign Policy Strategy 2020–23.

State Secretary Hirayama at the Horizon Europe launch event and informal EU ministerial meeting

02.02.2021 — Press releases Europa
On 2 February, State Secretary Martina Hirayama attended the launch event for Horizon Europe, the 9th EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, via video conference. On 3 February, she will represent Switzerland at the informal meeting of ministers for research and innovation of the EU member states. The main topic of the Horizon Europe launch is the content of the 9th Framework Programme and how the latter will contribute to stimulating the European Research Area. The ministerial meeting, meanwhile, will focus on how to promote careers in research and the role of national and private research funding institutions. By taking part, Switzerland is underlining the part it plays as an active and integral partner in the European Research and Innovation Area.

New agreements between Switzerland and the United Kingdom take effect

29.12.2020 — Press releases EDA
The Switzerland-EU bilateral agreements will cease to apply to the United Kingdom at the end of the Brexit transition period. These agreements will be succeeded by a series of follow-up agreements that Switzerland negotiated with the UK as part of its Mind the Gap strategy (including Mind the Gap+). Most of the existing rights and obligations between the two countries will continue to apply. The FDFA has taken note of the conclusion of a trade deal between the EU and the UK and welcomes the fact that it has been possible to avoid a withdrawal of the UK with no deal.

Coronavirus: Entry ban and retroactive quarantine for persons from the UK and South Africa

21.12.2020 — Press releases EDA
Following the discovery of a new, more contagious variant of the coronavirus in the UK and South Africa, the Federal Council today decided to take steps to prevent the further spread of this new virus strain. All persons who have entered Switzerland from these two countries since 14 December must go into quarantine for 10 days. The Federal Council has also introduced a general entry ban from today for all foreign nationals seeking to enter Switzerland from the UK and South Africa. This is intended in particular to stop travel from these countries for tourism purposes.

Abkommen mit Italien zur Vereinfachung der radiometrischen Kontrollen beim Export von Metallprodukten

18.12.2020 — Press releases Europa
Am 18. Dezember haben die Staatssekretärin des Eidgenössischen Departements für auswärtige Angelegenheiten Livia Leu und Unterstaatssekretär Ivan Scalfarotto ein Abkommen zur Vereinfachung der radiometrischen Kontrollen beim Export von Metallprodukten unterzeichnet. Damit entfallen die Strahlenschutz-Messungen an der Grenze beim Export von Metallprodukten.

Switzerland and UK to sign Memorandum of Understanding strengthening bilateral cooperation on migration

18.12.2020 — Press releases Europa
At its meeting on 18 December, the Federal Council approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United Kingdom (UK) on mobility and extending cooperation on migration. Although not legally binding, the MoU underlines the close cooperation between the two countries in the field of migration and serves as a basis for future mutual support. It forms part of the Swiss government’s Mind the Gap strategy, which is designed to preserve continuity in Swiss-UK relations beyond Brexit.

Switzerland supports Greece in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic

15.12.2020 — Press releases EDA
The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) is working throughout the world to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. In Athens, on 15 December, it delivered two special patient transport vehicles and two ISO containers, to be used as mobile examination rooms, to the health service responsible for the Aegean islands. An initial consignment for Greece had previously been delivered on 4 December. Further supplies will be delivered on 18 December, with a final consignment at the end of January, bringing the project to a close.

Switzerland and the UK sign agreement on mobility of service suppliers

14.12.2020 — Press releases Europa
Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin and the Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP, the UK’s Secretary of State for International Trade, signed the Services Mobility Agreement (SMA) on 14 December 2020 in London. The agreement secures reciprocal, facilitated market access for service providers from Switzerland and the United Kingdom from 1 January 2021.

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