Swiss fund to support access to the former Sigurimi files

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Article, 21.07.2017

The Embassy of Switzerland approved a fund of 50,000 CHF to enable greater transparency and open access in the work of the Albanian Authority for Information on Former State Security Documents. This new financial and technical contribution is mandated to OSCE for providing strategic and IT equipment support to this institution

Ambassador Graf with the director of the Authority for Secret Service Documents in Albania Gentiana Sulo.
Ambassador Graf with the director of the Authority for Secret Service Documents in Albania Gentiana Sulo. FDFA

The newly established Authority for Information on Former State Security Documents has received Swiss support and will work with OSCE to improve its long-term strategic plans and IT equipment base.

Director Gentiana Sula signed the agreement together with the Head of OSCE Presence in Albania, Bernd Borchardt. Present at the signing, Swiss Ambassador Christoph Graf stated: ‘Your transparency mandate is crucial for a peaceful society in Albania. Switzerland stands by you in this delicate initiative to build a collective memory and debate about the past’.

During his speech the Head of OSCE Presence Bernd Borchardt highlighted that ‘the Authority has created and will keep alive the debate on the past, a debate that develops and moves society further’.

Since its inception in 2015 the Authority is responsible for managing and making transparent the files of Albania’s notorious Sigurimi – the secret service. It will provide access to past documents to citizens, institutions, media and researchers.  Over 200,000 Sigurimi files and over 30 million pages of documents need to be stored, administered and secured.

The aim is to bring to light the communist state crimes and to enable a constructive debate about the past in order to clean and heal the societal wounds still present in Albania’s public discourse. 

The Swiss funds complement a German contribution and will be used for international and local expertize and experiences from other countries in order to assist the Authority in how to best offer access to the files. In addition, computers, scanners, printers, cameras and internet access will be secured.