Lecture by Lukas Bärfuss on Heinrich von Kleist

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Tuesday, 02.02.2016 – Tuesday, 02.02.2016

Literature; Lecture

Every second Tuesday the «Dramatikkens hus» invites performing artists to talk about art, performances, artists or other topics of interest. The Swiss writer Lukas Bärfuss starts this lecture series with a lecture on Heinrich von Kleist.

Bärfuss has published a number of novels and plays in the recent years. The pieces «The bus» and «Twenty thousand pages» were played in the theater «Det Norske Teatret». In addition, the piece «The Sexual Neuroses of our Parents» was played at the theater «Den Nationale Scene» (2014).

2 February 2016, 7:30 p.m.

The event is in English.

More information:
«Dramatikkens hus» 



Location: Dramatikkens hus, Tøyenbekken 34, Oslo