«LIVE with Swiss Humanitarian Aid: Humanitarian Challenges in the Shadow of Covid-19»

20 August 2020, 13:30–15:00 (CET, Bern)

Flyer © SDC

The Corona virus has affected all of us in different ways. The pandemic continues to spread across the globe like a wave. It is clear that once more, the weakest and poorest will be hit the hardest. The humanitarian efforts needed to meet this crisis will continue to rise.

In these uncertain times, we invite you to learn more about the work of Swiss Humanitarian Aid. Join us live and ask questions no matter where you are:  at the office, at home, anywhere.

Dear Madame, dear Sir,

Thank you for your interest to the event «LIVE with Swiss Humanitarian Aid: Humanitarian Challenges in the Shadow of Covid-19» on Thursday, 20 August 2020, 1.30pm to 3pm (CET, Bern).
Please find below the different access links for participating in this event. You have the option of choosing between different languages:

We are looking forward to your interactive participation.
Yours sincerely

How crisis-proof is Swiss Humanitarian Aid?
In discussion with Ambassador Manuel Bessler, delegate for Swiss Humanitarian Aid and SHA

Is the Horn of Africa facing its greatest ever famine?
Locust swarms, loss of crops, income opportunities and remittance as well as closed borders and interrupted supply chains have dire consequences for millions of people in the Horn of Africa.

Live feed from the Horn of Africa

Federal Councillor, how do you see Switzerland’s humanitarian engagement in the future?
In discussion with Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Fleeing from conflict into a pandemic?
Nearly 80 million people worldwide have been displaced. They have no home and lack regular access to clean water or soap. They often live in cramped spaces. Hygienic conditions are miserable; health systems are overstretched. How can a virus like Covid-19 be contained in such environments?

Live feed with the Humanitarian Coordinator from Cox's Bazar/Bangladesh, the world's biggest refugee camp

Crime in the home: has the pandemic led to more domestic violence?
Last year, more than 243 million women and girls were victims of sexual or physical violence, often perpetrated by someone they knew. In what ways can humanitarian aid help combat this additional crisis?

Live feed expert panel

No income + no food = increased violence and displacement?
Covid-19 threatens the health of the world population and brings economies to a standstill. Vulnerable and displaced people already struggled to feed their families before the pandemic struck. Many are now left without support or income opportunities. How can Swiss Humanitarian Aid strengthen social systems and improve the prospects of those affected by the crisis?

Live feed from Jordan in the Middle East

Director General, can Switzerland’s aid really make a difference?
In discussion with Ambassador Patricia Danzi, SDC Director General