Small enterprises play an important role in the economic and social development of a country.  They create jobs and make a significant contribution to a country's value added. For many people, setting up a small enterprise is their only chance for a secure livelihood. An important criterion in this respect is a financial sector that also takes account of the needs of small enterprises.

The SDC’s focus

The SDC supports institutions, initiatives and programmes that aim to offer a wide range of financial services for small enterprises (anywhere between 5 and 19 positions, depending on the country) on a cost-effective and economically sustainable basis.  To this end, the SDC's approaches include 'downscaling' and 'upgrading'.

  • Downscaling: Existing banks or other financial service providers, such as leasing companies, establish new business fields, product lines or sales channels that specialise in financial services for small enterprises.
  • Upgrading: Enabling existing microfinance institutions to address the requirements of small enterprises.

In addition, the SDC prioritises training for staff working in financial institutions and the provision of market information.

  • Training staff in financial institutions: The SDC promotes the enhancement of skills in financial institutions and the establishment of specialised training and consulting facilities.  Financial institutions must be enabled to offer financial services for small enterprises on a customer-oriented, profitable and competitive basis.
  • Market information: The SDC supports the development of methods and institutions that provide the financial market with information or services that improve decision-making and transparency, including credit and rating agencies, for example.


Strong small enterprises are an important factor, not only for balanced economic growth, but also for social and political stability.  Yet small enterprises in developing and transition countries find it difficult to convince banks to take them seriously as clients. Most financial institutions are mainly interested in dealing with large companies.

The reason for this is, firstly, the relatively high costs entailed in granting loans, and, secondly, the risks to which lenders are exposed.  Financial institutions are often insufficiently informed with regard to the specific conditions prevailing in any given sector.  At the same time, many small enterprises fail to practise transparent accounting, have insufficient reserves and lack suitable collateral.  As a result, a comparatively detailed review is required before a loan can be granted.

Current challenges

Due to inadequate credit methodologies and in many cases a lack of interest by established financial institutes, small enterprises in many countries have only limited access to credit and other financial services.  To improve this situation, the requirements of small enterprises must be better addressed.  The range of products and services must be refined and made more flexible, appropriate credit methodologies must be developed and specific skills must be built up in financial institutions.  In addition to loans, small enterprises must be given access to other products and services, such as leasing, venture capital and payment methods.  Here, the key challenge to be tackled is the diversity of the small enterprise sector, both in terms of the size and type of businesses.  Finally, small enterprises must also use their own initiative to enhance their creditworthiness through transparent accounting, business plans and other measures.

Current projects

Object 1 – 12 of 934

Good Financial Governance (GFG)

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

The project contributes to strengthen Tanzania’s public financial system, a central element to cement its economic status. The 3rd phase aims at expanding the mobilization of domestic revenue and improving the government’s expenditure control. It shall strengthen interinstitutional mechanisms for tax data exchange, enhance the audit system, and improve public procurement. At policy level, it seeks to develop an evidence-based and gender responsive fiscal strategy for better public service delivery to benefit the population, especially the poor.

Integrated Water Resources Management in Kosovo (IWRM-K)

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2029

Switzerland assists water sector related governments, civil society and private sector stakeholders in Kosovo in the development/implementation of a national integrated and sustainable water resources management framework. Support activities combined with capacity development and awareness building will contribute to enhanced conservation, protection, quality and equitable distribution of water resources. Thus the project also contributes to good governance, reduced risks of internal and transboundary water-related conflicts, the mitigation of climate change impact as well to enhanced the health of the population.

Scaling Up Youth Employment in Agriculture Initiative

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2028

In Zambia and Zimbabwe, due to a mismatch between the skills they have and those in demand, youth cannot access or create economic opportunities and overlook those available. The project builds skills and matches youth with firms, markets and finance to create more and better (self)-employment in agri-food, renewable energy and emerging sectors, contributing to Swiss priorities on human and economic development and climate change. This is a contribution implemented by SNV.

Progressing towards Universal Health Coverage in Moldova

01.05.2024 - 30.06.2027

Switzerland supports Moldova’s efforts to achieve better health of the population, through ensuring universal access to affordable medical services of good quality. In its 2nd (exit) phase, the project will accompany the health authorities in advancing health financing and service delivery reforms, improving the efficiency and responsiveness of the healthcare system, promoting transparency and accountability in the health sector, and empowering service users and civil society organizations to oversee healthcare services, their quality and resource allocation.

Swiss Emergency Response Team (SERT)

16.04.2024 - 31.12.2027

Several Swiss organizations active in Mozambique together with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) decided to join forces to be organized in a way, that we all together have fast and unbureaucratic access for doing the rapid needs assessment together and provide immediate response support where possible in Mozambique. Since 2021, the Swiss Emergency Response Team (SERT) organized several trainings in crisis management, rapid needs assessment and cash/voucher-based approaches for the staff members of the organizations. Doing the crisis management and rapid need assessment together creates synergy and complementarity among partners rather than each partner planning a response at the same place. A coordinated, locally led intervention will also yield the data necessary to justify an appeal to SDC’s emergency fund in time, should it be opportune.

Building Damage Assessment in Albania

01.04.2024 - 31.12.2027

The devastating earthquake in 2019 revealed that Albania has a weak policy and institutional framework and low public awareness on building damage assessment. The Swiss project will support Albania in strengthening its disaster risk management institutions at national and municipal level to provide sustainable and effective building damage assessment services, leading to safer living conditions and a more disaster resilient business environment.

Anti-corruption and Accountability

01.04.2024 - 31.12.2027

Building on the results achieved in the first phase, Switzerland will contribute to reduce corruption in Mozambique by (1) improving and strengthening legal institutions and the judicial framework (2) strengthening anticorruption institutions to effectively tackle corruption, economic crime and the recovery, management of stolen assets and (3) supporting civil society organisations at national and local level in the fight against corruption. 

Strengthened and Informative Migration Systems (SIMS) Phase II

01.04.2024 - 31.03.2029

Switzerland is interested in ensuring that international migration is regular, secure, respects human dignity and the rights of migrants. The project will institutionalise well tested awareness mechanisms on the perils of irregular migration and enhance further public and private capacities to deliver services to potential migrants. The intervention contributes to Switzerland’s dialogue on safe, orderly and regular migration at national and global levels.

AidData Chinese development finance profile

15.03.2024 - 30.06.2027

While China is becoming a main actor of international cooperation for development, it rarely discloses the specific financing terms and implementation details at project-level or transaction-level information about its foreign aid activities which makes it challenging for other actors of the international cooperation for development (including SDC) to understand their implications on recipient countries. The AidData project is building a dataset of country profiles summarizing Chinese’s aid with information form, function and impacts of their programs.

8th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, June 2025

01.03.2024 - 31.12.2025

The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction is the most important international conference to discuss progress in the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR. The eighth session of the Global Platform will be hosted by Switzerland in Geneva in June 2025. It will review advances in the realisation of the calls to action made in 2023 by the United Nations General Assembly on the midterm review of the Sendai Framework and will be key for the identification and support of measures to accelerate DRR implementation and improve coherence with the Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement.

Appui aux Programmes PASEC et PACTE de la CONFEMEN (Conférence des Ministres de l’Education des Etats et Gouvernements de la Francophonie)

01.03.2024 - 28.02.2028

En soutenant le Programme d’Analyse des Systèmes Educatifs (PASEC) et le Programme d’Appui à la Transformation de l’Education (PACTE) de la Conférence des Ministres de l’Education de la Francophonie (CONFEMEN), la Suisse contribue au renforcement de l’accès et de la qualité de l’éducation dans ses pays prioritaires en Afrique de l’Ouest. Des analyses approfondies des systèmes éducatifs sont réalisées, et les résultats permettent d’orienter les politiques éducatives pour une efficacité accrue.

Object 1 – 12 of 934