Better Work Phase IV
Improving working conditions and productivity in the global garment sector: Promoting compliance with national law and international core labour standards and supporting factories benefits workers, managers, countries and consumers and delivers a better normal in recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Land/Region | Periode | Budget |
Asien Bangladesch Indonesien Vietnam |
- 31.12.2027 |
CHF 12’000’000
Projektnummer UR00642
Hintergrund |
The global garment sector is going through a period of profound and rapid change. It faces significant challenges to ensure a human-centred approach to technological advances, digitalization and automation. Demographic shifts are changing where apparel is pro-duced and sold. Extreme heat, air pollution, flooding, reduced availability of water, and the generation of chemical and other waste exacerbate occupational safety and health risks undermine productivity. These challenges were clearly exposed and exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Better Work will contribute to rebuilding a more sustainable and resilient garment sector. |
Ziele |
Overall, Better Work will prove that safe, dignified work means more productive factories, and a more profitable business model that benefits workers, managers, countries and consumers alike. The overarching goal of the next phase will be to hand over and embed relevant services in implementing partners, including constituents, factories, brands, ILO and IFC collaborating units, and other UN agencies or NGOs in well-established country programmes. The ultimate goal is to anchor factory-level interventions for the long term by focusing on the policy level, to contribute to a garment sector that has lifted millions of people out of poverty, particularly women workers, and reduced its environmental impacts. |
Mittelfristige Wirkungen |
Worker average take-home pay Percentage of workers reporting good health outcomes Percentage of factories implementing sustainable production cycles Percentage of factories that sustain compliance levels Number or percentage of women with a positive perception of their in-fluence on improving working condi-tions Number of countries where relevant institutions have fully or partially embedded Better Work’s services into their core business Percentage of buyers that have improved their sourcing practices |
Resultate |
Erwartete Resultate: Percentage of factories demonstrating progress toward effective social dialogue and ability to resolve disputes Percentage of factories that have put sound management systems in place Percentage of factories with adequate workplace policies to promote gender equality Number of countries where Better Work rolls out environmental and productivity services Percentage of factories with an effective and active occupational safety and health committee Number of Better Work assessments conducted by labour inspectors Number of brands that align their sourcing decisions with compliance outcomes Number of factories in which Better Work’s tools and methodologies are applied Number of countries where integrated programmes to tackle labour violations in upstream tiers of the supply chain are implemented Resultate von früheren Phasen: The programme currently reaches almost 2.5 million workers employed in almost 2,000 factories. Out of those factories, 12.3% are able to demonstrate progress towards effective social dialogue and ability to resolve disputes (baseline: 8%). A quarter of all factories has active and effective bipartite committees (baseline: 13%). 21% of factories have no non-compliances on pub-licly reported issues (baseline: 8%). Better Work has partnership agreements with 43 brands (increase of 10 since 2017) and participant agreements with 112 brands (increase of a 100 since 2017). There is a continuous upward trend in terms of the programmes’ financial sustainability of the provision of factory level services: the cost recovery of core services in Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh are currently at 79%, 99% and 47%, respectively. |
Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt |
Budget | Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF 12’000’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF 0 Budget inklusive Projektpartner CHF 67’740’000 |
Projektphasen | Phase 4 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2027 (Laufende Phase) Phase 3 01.07.2017 - 31.10.2021 (Completed) Phase 2 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2016 (Completed) |