La salud: un derecho humano y una condición para el desarrollo

La salud es un derecho humano fuera del alcance para más de mil millones de personas. Las desigualdades existentes actualmente en el sector de la salud obstaculizan el desarrollo social, económico y sostenible. Por ello, la COSUDE se esfuerza por mejorar la situación sanitaria de las poblaciones en los países de ingresos medios y bajos. A tal efecto, en la medida de lo posible, se sirve de los conocimientos especializados de Suiza para establecer y desarrollar unos servicios sanitarios de buena calidad y que funcionen de manera eficaz.

En el punto de mira de la COSUDE

Suiza considera que la prestación de servicios básicos de salud constituye una condición esencial para el desarrollo social y económico. Asimismo, estima que las desigualdades que existen en materia de salud constituyen violaciones inaceptables de los derechos humanos fundamentales. Por ello, la acción de la COSUDE para mejorar la salud se concentra en las necesidades de las poblaciones más pobres.

Mejorar la salud de los más pobres está en relación directa con la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible, en vigor en todo el mundo. Mediante el objetivo 3 de esta Agenda, la comunidad internacional, incluida Suiza, se comprometió a garantizar una vida saludable y promover el bienestar universal. En este sentido, la salud desempeña un papel esencial. Para reducir las desigualdades sociales y promover un desarrollo sostenible, el acceso a un sistema sanitario integral y funcional es imprescindible. Por este motivo, en su enfoque del tema de la salud, la COSUDE hace hincapié en la buena gobernanza, el fortalecimiento del papel y la responsabilización de las comunidades y los usuarios de los servicios sanitarios, y el desarrollo de estructuras eficaces, centrándose en:

  • Reforzar los sistemas de salud para que todas las personas tengan acceso a los servicios sanitarios.
  • Controlar las enfermedades transmisibles y no transmisibles.
  • Mejorar la salud sexual y reproductiva, así como la salud materno-infantil.
  • Incluir la lucha contra el VIH y el sida en la cooperación internacional, en ámbitos distintos a la salud.


La salud y los servicios de salud son tanto un asunto de los gobiernos como de las comunidades. El fortalecimiento de la buena gobernanza contribuye de manera significativa a gestionar los recursos existentes de manera eficaz y de conformidad con las necesidades sanitarias de la población.

Suiza dispone de muchos conocimientos especializados en el ámbito de la salud que ya hoy son relevantes para los países contrapartes a la hora de desarrollar y ampliar su asistencia sanitaria. Sobre esta base, la COSUDE, a través de sus alianzas estratégicas con ONG suizas, instituciones de investigación y el sector privado, facilita conocimientos, productos y servicios específicamente adecuados para sus países contrapartes. Asimismo, promueve soluciones innovadoras adaptadas a las condiciones locales y comportamientos sostenibles que conduzcan a mejoras sanitarias en dichos países.

Sin embargo, los grandes avances en ese ámbito no deben hacernos ignorar los desafíos pendientes. La pobreza absoluta está disminuyendo, pero la disparidad entre la salud de los ricos y de los pobres va en aumento. Para casi mil millones de personas, los más pobres entre los pobres, el acceso al agua potable y el saneamiento, a una alimentación sana y suficiente y a la asistencia sanitaria todavía no es una realidad.


Proyectos actuales

Objeto 1 – 12 de 80

Mental Health for Universal Health Coverage (MH4UHC) – Phase 2

01.11.2024 - 31.10.2028

In low-resource settings, over 75% of people who need mental health support do not have access to adequate services. Co-created with the SDC, the WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health responds to this urgent need by scaling up mental health services in community settings, revising mental health legislation, policies, and sharing learnings to advance the world’s mental health agenda. In this second phase, a stronger focus will be put on addressing mental disorders in humanitarian contexts.

Health Enhancement and Lifesaving (HEAL) Ukraine

01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

By supporting the World Bank Health Enhancement and Lifesaving (HEAL) project, Switzerland contributes to alleviating the negative consequences of the war by restoring and improving access to essential healthcare - specifically services disrupted by the war - and by modernizing hospital care and support key health institutions. As a priority, HEAL addresses urgent needs for mental health and rehabilitation services.

République démocratique du Congo (RDC) MEDAIR : Réponse multisectorielle d’urgence (en santé, nutrition, EHA) en faveur des populations vulnérables affectées par les conflits et les épidémies au Nord Kivu et Ituri

15.07.2024 - 30.06.2026

La crise humanitaire à l’est de la RDC est liée à la persistance des conflits armés et intercommunautaires, aux épidémies et à la faible gouvernance, entrainant des besoins humanitaires aigus depuis trois décennies. Grâce à cette intervention en santé primaire et secondaire, nutrition, eau, hygiène et assainissement, la Suisse contribue à la réduction de la morbidité et de la mortalité des personnes affectées par les conflits, tout en renforçant leur résilience face aux futures maladies.

Ensuring equitable access of refugees to quality health services in the Republic of Moldova (single-phase project)

01.07.2024 - 30.06.2025

The proposed initiative aims to provide equitable access to quality health care for refugees with temporary protection, in line with the priorities of both the Moldovan and Swiss governments. By strengthening the capacity of Moldovan health care authorities and service providers, it will address critical gaps in the delivery of health services for refugees and establish sustainable financing and monitoring mechanisms for such services. The project also seeks to raise awareness among refugees and health care providers on health care packages available to refugees.

Community-based Health Services and System Strengthening Support in Sagaing

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

Three years after the military coup in Myanmar, targeted attacks and scrutiny in the health sector by the military junta led to a partial or total lack of access to healthcare in various regions, particularly in the dry zone. Through this project, Switzerland aims to support locally-led and inclusive community-based health system in Sagaing to provide essential, emergency, quality primary health care services, while ensuring the transition to a new decentralized and inclusive health system.

Community Health Provision in Somalia (CHASP)

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2027

The programme provides maternal and child health services in Somalia in targeted facilities. It strengthens the capacities of regional and district health authorities including of health personnel working in these facilities. The programme promotes access in terms of basic health services and skilled health personnel at decentralized levels. This is connected to the Swiss interest of promoting service provision and good governance capacities especially at grassroot levels, which also feeds into the transformation/ development agenda of Somalia.

Myanmar - Access to Health Fund

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2028

Myanmar has seen very low levels of basic health services due to seven decades long conflict. The progresses achieved during the last civilian government were reversed by the military coup in 2021, leading to a nearly collapse of the national health system and an increase of humanitarian needs. Through the Access to Health Fund, Switzerland supports the provision of equitable and critical health services to vulnerable people in conflict-affected areas through the strengthening on ethnic and community health systems.

Accessible Quality Healthcare (AQH)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

AQH strengthens the clinical capacity and managerial competence of Primary Health Care (PHC) providers towards improving the quality of care provided to the population, focusing on non-communicable diseases (NCDs). At the community end, AQH generates demand for quality services, by improving health literacy and involving people in shaping the services, thus leading to an increased and rational utilization of all health services and ultimately improved health status of the population.

Contribution to Medicus Mundi Switzerland (MMS) Network

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

Medicus Mundi Switzerland is a Network of 49 Swiss non-governmental organisations, foundations and scientific institutions involved in health advocacy at global level and health programmes in lowand middle-income countries. Taking a multisectoral approach and fostering open dialogue with relevant actors, decision-makers and the broader public, the Network facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience and contributes to finding solutions to global health challenges.

Core Contribution Swiss Malaria Group (SMG)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

The Swiss Malaria Group (SMG) is a Swiss-based public, private academic and civil society leadership network that works towards a malaria-free world. SMG member organisations coordinate their efforts to engage technical expertise, opinion-makers and the general public to provide Swiss leadership against malaria, strengthen research and innovation by Swiss actors, and fight malaria in low- and middle-income countries.

VEN:Tierra Viva - Aten. Int. com. indig

15.10.2023 - 31.12.2024

In line with the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan for Venezuela, Fundación Tierra Viva will provide humanitarian assistance in the sectors of health, nutrition and livelihoods to indigenous communities in the state of Bolivar and Delta Amacuro, with the aim of addressing the emergency nutritional situation of children, pregnant and lactating mothers and adults. As well as the recovery and strengthening of agricultural practices. 

Humanitarian assistance to people affected by the protracted crisis in Venezuela

01.09.2023 - 31.12.2024

Despite a moderate recovery in some economic indicators during 2022, the Venezuelan economy continues to contract during 2023. Meanwhile, there is no improvement in the structural causes of the humanitarian crisis. As a result, the needs of the most vulnerable are still high. Therefore, Caritas aims to facilitate access on health, nutrition, food security and livelihoods, for vulnerable families in eight states according to the Guidance Note for Venezuela 2022-2024. 

Objeto 1 – 12 de 80