Colombia: MIRE+, Assistance to Victims of Violence

The humanitarian crisis in Colombia continues despite growing efforts towards peace. Armed groups fighting for territory and valuable natural resources inflict extreme harm on rural and ethnic communities. In line with the Swiss interest to respond to humanitarian crises, SDC remains dedicated to supporting these communities, enhancing their individual and collective resilience. The project integrates humanitarian action with a developmental and peace orientation (nexus).

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Agriculture et sécurité alimentaire
Déplacements forcés (réfugiés, PDI, traite des êtres humains)
Sécurité alimentaire des ménages
Assainissement d'eau
01.10.2023 - 31.03.2025
CHF  3’200’000
Contexte Colombia’s complex situation stems from historical, political, and social issues, resulting in protracted crisis, even after the 2016 Peace Agreement. The 2022 government’s "Total Peace" policy, prioritizing negotiations with illicit armed groups, marks a turning point. Yet, the ICRC documents continued group proliferation. Marginalised Afro-Colombian and indigenous communities in the Pacific Coast suffer most. In 2023, 7.7 million people are in need and face threats of violence, evidenced by 82,000 displacements and 119,000 confinements, exacerbating already existing humanitarian crises.
Objectifs To rebuild the resilience of conflict-affected communities (14,000 people) on Colombia’s Pacific Coast by improving access to protection, basic services, strengthening community capacity and improving institutional advocacy to initiate and catalyse their development process.
Groupes cibles

The programme will continue serving conflict-affected communities on the Colombian Pacific Coast, emphasizing Afro-Colombian and indigenous groups hit hardest by armed violence. It will also support those vulnerable to natural disasters.

In its early recovery component (nexus), funded by SDC, the MIRE+ will serve:
Direct participants: Approximately 5,000 people accessing services and capacity-building.
Indirect  participants: An estimated 9,000 people benefiting from community and institutional reinforcement.
This occurs in communities able to start an early recovery process.

The rapid response and humanitarian relief operation components funded by ECHO, BHA and AECID will serve in the entirety of Colombian territory approximately 42,891 people experiencing  acute  humanitarian emergencies.

Effets à moyen terme

Outcome 1. Individual Resilience: The people´s dignity, wellbeing, and security are improved.

Outcome  2. Community  Strengthening: Communities contribute to rebuild their social cohesion.

Outcome  3. Institutional  Advocacy: 
Strengthened institutions are open to dialogue and to building resilience and peace together.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

Output  1.1: Individual case management for armed violence victims.

Output 1.5: Mental health support for individuals and families.

Output 1.4: Strengthening family-owned agricultural initiatives.  

Output  1.6: Sensitisation to combat Gender-Based Violence (GBV).

Output 2.1: Elaborate community self-protection plans.

Output 2.6: Rehabilitation and reinforcement of community-based WASH infrastructures.

Output  2.10: Training leaders in mental health strategies.

Output 2.11: Educating leaders on GBV identification and referrals.

Output 3.1: Enhancing sector best-practices for public servants in WASH, health, protection, and food security.

Output 3.3: Fortifying health pathways and protocols.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

Up to July 2023, the project has achieved:

Outcome 1 – Protection: 
7,283 participants benefiting from strengthened protection community plans.

Outcome 2 – WASH:
3,681 participants have access to new water and sanitation systems.

Outcome 3 – Livelihoods and Food Security:  
1,146 direct participants of livelihood and food security strengthening.

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
ONG internationale ou étrangère
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • Consortium of INGO´s: MIRE+ (Spanish Acronym for Mechanism of Integrated Emergency Response), composed of: The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Action Against Hunger (AAH), Médecins du Monde France (MdM); Consortium Lead Organisation: NRC

Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs The MIRE+ mechanism, supported by SDC, will merge with MIRE, supported by ECHO, USAID, and AECID. This enhances coordination across humanitarian operations, from relief to recovery. It promotes the scalability of project insights and results among key stakeholders in humanitarian and development sectors, including communities and institutions.
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    3’200’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    1’833’434 Projet total depuis la première phase Budget de la Suisse CHF   2’283’871 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF   8’483’871
Phases du projet Phase 2 01.10.2023 - 31.03.2025   (Phase en cours) Phase 1 01.07.2021 - 30.11.2023   (Completed)