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The world exhibition will take place from 12 May to 12 August 2012 in the harbour basin of Yeosu. About 80 nations, 10 international organisations and around 8 million visitors are expected to attend. The Expo, with the motto "Living Oceans & Coasts: Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activities", aims to make an important contribution to the sustainable use of natural resources and to preserving the health of the world's seas and oceans.
South Korea is an important partner of Switzerland. A major economic power, South Korea is a member of the G-20 Group, which it currently chairs. It is also a focus country for Switzerland's scientific policy.
The budget earmarked for the Swiss presentation is CHF 7 million. A substantial participation of the private sector is envisaged.
The FDFA (Presence Switzerland) is currently preparing the Swiss participation at the category A world exhibition of 2010 in Shanghai, for which the Federal Council has approved a budget of CHF 20 million. Over 200 countries and organisations will participate in Shanghai, and 70 million visitors are expected.
World exhibitions have been held regularly since the first unofficial world exhibition in London in 1851. In 1928 the "Bureau international des expositions" (BIE) in Paris was founded, which establishes the rules for international exhibitions. A distinction is made between category A world exhibitions (universal exhibitions lasting six months) and category B world exhibitions (thematic, duration three months).
For further information:
Information FDFA, phone: +41 31 322 31 53 or e-mail: info@eda.admin.ch
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Press and Information Service
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