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The last issue of the Swiss Peace Supporter in 2021 focuses on the Western Balkans, where the largest Swiss military contingents are deployed. Switzerland's civilian peace support comprises inclusive dialogue platforms (p. 10) and support for the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (p. 18). Don't miss our articles on the UN's fight against human trafficking and on disaster-induced migration in East Africa.
By combining conflict management and the promotion of democracy, Switzerland believes it can be an agent for change. For example, it aims to reinforce democratic processes by promoting free and fair elections and supporting freedom of expression in the digital space. The reports from eastern Ukraine, Kashmir and the UN headquarters in New York (on children and armed conflict) are also well worth a read.
The SPS 2/2021 is devoted to the further development of military peace support and how the latter is adapting to future requirements. It also discusses the efforts to integrate women into the militia army after their deployment abroad. This edition’s Special also looks at promoting human rights standards for private security companies. Finally, a colleague reports on his daily life in Myanmar.
The disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) of former combatants after armed conflicts is an essential part of the peace process. In this issue of SPS, Swiss experts share their experiences of DDR in Colombia, Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. See also the special report on police missions.
To mark the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 'Women, Peace and Security”, this Swiss Peace Supporter edition focuses on the role and contributions of women in peacebuilding. Testimonials from experts working for NATO and for the UN in Ethiopia underscore the fact that despite the progress made to date, this remains a vitally important task.
For several decades, Switzerland has played an active role in peacebuilding operations in Sub-Saharan Africa and makes use of the diversity of its expertise. This edition of the SPS presents among others Swiss contributions to promoting peace in Zimbabwe, in the Central African Republic, and puts an emphasis on the access to justice and the initiative « Justice Rapid Response ».
This edition presents the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic for peace building missions and sending organizations, especially in meeting their duty of care responsibilities for seconded staff. Together, they have put in place new priorities which allow for safe but also effective working conditions, as evidenced by contributions from Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, South Sudan and Somalia.
This issue focuses on Swiss specialists in peacekeeping training centres in Africa. To mark the return of the 100th UN Youth Volunteer (UNVY) deployed by the Swiss Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding we look back at the first UNVY, who worked for the UNHCR in Indonesia in 2005/2006. He later completed assignments in Chad, Sweden and Palestine and has continued to work in the human rights field to this day.
This latest edition focuses on recruiting experts for field operations. Police deployments on peacebuilding missions are the subject of one article, illustrated by Switzerland's engagement in Mali. A further article looks at mediation within the OSCE. Another recounts a day in the life of a young UN volunteer in Mexico.
This issue assesses the progress achieved and new challenges faced in implementing the anti-personnel mine ban convention. The 4th Review Conference, to be held in Oslo in November 2019, will provide an opportunity to renew the treaty's commitment to a mine-free world in response to some recent, worrying statistics. In addition, we look back on the 30th anniversary of Switzerland's participation in international election observation missions.
On 23 June 1999, the Federal Council made the decision to participate in the UN military peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. Since then, 620 women and 7,880 men have been involved in peacekeeping operations with the ‘Swiss Company’, abbreviated to SWISSCOY. This latest edition of ‘Swiss Peace Supporter’ tracks the progress of the peacekeeping mission. It also includes eye-witness reports of election monitoring in Ukraine and Nigeria.
Switzerland's successful history of international peace support operations began 30 years ago with a contingent dispatched to the United Nations mission in Namibia. This edition of Swiss Peace Supporter looks back on the contributions made by Switzerland to peace support operations since 1989. A captivating account by Adolf Ogi and reports from the field will give you an insight into Switzerland's engagement in the UN.
Last update 26.01.2022