Info on requirements for entry/visas for Eritrea
The following offices represent the interests of Eritrea in Switzerland or are responsible for consular matters:
The following offices represent the interests of Eritrea in Switzerland or are responsible for consular matters:
The list is only available in French
Etat au 17.09.2024
Rue de Lausanne 80, 1202 Genève
Case Postale 85, 1211 Genève 20
022 570 47 30
téléfax 022 570 47 32
Section consulaire de l'Ambassade
Rue de Lausanne 80, 4ème étage, 1202 Genève
Case Postale 85, 1211 Genève 20
022 570 47 31
téléfax 022 570 47 32
Consulat d'Érythrée
Schwyzerstrasse 12, 5430 Wettingen
056/427 28 93
Last update 26.01.2022