Key aspects of diplomatic relations
Switzerland and Latvia maintain good diplomatic relations, and bilateral contact has intensified in recent years. For example, in September 2014, the President of the Swiss Confederation, Didier Burkhalter, travelled to Riga and in 2015, Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edgars Rinkēvičs, visited Bern. In May 2018, Alain Berset, President of the Swiss Confederation, was received in Latvia by President Raimonds Vējonis. This state visit also saw Mr Berset taking part in festivities celebrating the 100-year anniversary of Latvia's independence. In 2021, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis paid tribute to Switzerland's twin anniversaries with the Baltic states by visiting Riga during his trip to the Baltic states: 100 years since Switzerland recognised their independence and 30 years since it re-established diplomatic relations with them following the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Treaty database
Economic cooperation
Since Latvia joined the EU in 2004, bilateral trade has been based on the free trade agreement between Switzerland and the EU. Trade between Switzerland and Latvia amounted to approx. CHF 130 million in 2019.
Trade promotion, Switzerland Global Enterprise
Cooperation in education, research and innovation
Researchers from Switzerland and Latvia are collaborating on a number of projects under Horizon 2020.
Researchers and artists from Latvia can apply to the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships.
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists, SERI
Switzerland’s contribution to the enlarged EU
Latvia was one of the countries to benefit from the Swiss contribution to reducing economic and social disparities in an enlarged European Union. Twelve projects amounting to CHF 60 million were implemented until 2017. The projects focused on improving school transportation in rural areas, promoting youth initiatives in remote regions, remediation, increasing fire safety and modernising the courts. Latvia is also a beneficiary of the second Swiss contribution.
Latvia – A partner country for Switzerland’s contribution to EU enlargement
Swiss nationals in Latvia
At the end of 2020, there were 93 Swiss citizens living in Latvia according to statistics on the Swiss abroad.
History of bilateral relations
Swiss-Latvian relations date back to 1868 when Switzerland opened a consulate in Riga. Latvia established its own consulate in Switzerland in 1919. Various congresses which led up to Latvia's first declaration of independence in 1918 were held in Switzerland. In 1921 the Federal Council recognised the Latvian Republic. Diplomatic relations between the two countries lasted until the annexation of Latvia by the Soviet Union and were re-established after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Switzerland recognised Latvia’s re-proclaimed independence in August 1991 shortly after the country’s declaration of independence.
During the transitional phase in the 1990s, Latvia became a priority country in Switzerland’s programme of cooperation with Eastern Europe, receiving some CHF 26 million in the form of technical support projects and financial aid for health, the environment, and the banking sector.
In 1992 Switzerland opened an embassy in Riga which also handles Swiss interests in Lithuania and (since 2011) Estonia. The Latvian embassy in Vienna is responsible for relations with Switzerland.
Latvia, Historical Dictionary of Switzerland