Info on requirements for entry/visas for Malta
The following offices represent the interests of Malta in Switzerland or are responsible for consular matters:
The following offices represent the interests of Malta in Switzerland or are responsible for consular matters:
The list is only available in French
Etat au 14.02.2025
Merchants Street, Palazzo Parisio, Ministère des affaires étrangères, MT-1171 La Valette
00356/2124 2191
téléfax 00356/2124 0083
Consulat de Malte
c/o ThomannFischer Advokatur, Elisabethenstrasse 30, 4010 Bâle;
061/226 24 51
téléfax 061/226 24 25
Consulat général de Malte
Parc du Château-Banquet 26, 1202 Genève
022/901 05 80
téléfax 022/738 11 20
Consulat de Malte
Bergstrasse 34, 8702 Zollikon
043 499 66 80
078 820 30 68
Last update 26.01.2022