Statement Niger
The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) monitors the political and social situation abroad and issues specific position statements. The FDFA's positions are guided by the objectives, and priorities of Swiss foreign policy as set out, for example, in the Federal Constitution, the Federal Council's foreign policy strategy, and other thematic and geographical strategies.

Switzerland expresses its support for the people of Niger and remains committed to peace and regional stability. © FDFA
27.07.2023 – Switzerland condemns the current attempt by part oft he army to seize power in Niger
Switzerland is concerned by the latest developments in Niger and condemns the current attempt by elements of the armed forces to seize power.
It calls for the immediate release of the democratically elected President and a return to constitutional order.
It further calls for dialogue, respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
Switzerland expresses its support for the people of Niger and remains committed to peace and regional stability.